He shall be humbled, he who is proud, And will know shame to his name,
For to be so of yourself is not allowed, For the mighty will know shame.
Click, click goes the keyboard, And words appear on a screen, To be printed one day for all to see, Which heretofore only in my mind have been. The least man shall be exalted high It says so in the bibles Holy Word Though he may not get his dream, he can try, No matter how much it seems absurd.
Words woven that once were faint Ideas in the obscure corners of my mind, Come together to form verse in rhyme And as stanzas on paper themselves find. Some things are meant to succeed or to fail, Unless we try we will never know, And the fool for one day can we a wise man, The clever man, the fool he is in time will show!
And they, those who read my words, Know that upon this day,
What I was thinking, and what I wrote
And of it, what they like, they can say!