Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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Christmas Eve 2006

An empty coke bottle rattles as it spins round, Twirled by idle hands in the darkest hours of night, Outside, cars speeding by make the only sound, And the shouting of a couple having a fight... A dark December night, slowly the hours pass by, It seems so cold... I cannot get any heat The worlds asleep neath the dark night sky As I, to the radiator press my feet.

Early writings of Wordsworth were libertarian and reactionary in nature, full of the joys of life, to which he signed his name "Will Wordsworth".

However, a change in the tone and subject matter arrived in the second period of his life, and on these more socially standard works he wrote his name in the more formal "William Wordsworth", by which we know him today.

This poem is inspired by a "Readers Digest" article from 1970 that explores his work and asks why as to the change in the name and tone of works from Wordsworth.

Verses of Golden daffodils I've read That waved in the varying wind around That showed the beauty of the world That in the sight he found. Such verses of serenity,
Of ambience and of peace, That he desired for the world, And of global freedom were to cease...

And the champion of the underdog The republican, and of those not free Was to change in the blink of an eye,

To champion the system, empire and monarchy.

An hour into Christmas Eve,.. on the screen I see Cars coming and going from the town Other people, other lives unaware of me, Who is working as they are gulping their drinks down... Nor think did I, when one of tem I was, Out with friends at a party, drinking late, Life is good, and of others we don't think because, Life's to short, is to be lived: Life is great!

No blue flashing lights, but as the hour turns and dies, An ambulance arrives and who's to say What story of misery lies inside...
Maybe just a drunk: maybe an RTA. And those who work in A&E, who with this will deal They are the real ones working tonight, not I, And for whinging ashamed I feel, A silent prayer for them I say, with a sigh... And bonny Wordsworth who with pen Signed his works with name as "Will" Changed to the more formal "William" And wrote his name as such his death until...

What caused this change I do not know, To find out is an impossible task, But if to where he is on death I go, The question to him I'll surely ask!