Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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The World Is Gripped by Hatred

The world is gripped by hatred, Help firmly in its clasp,
Though we cant alone break the world free, We though love can loosen its grasp.

So love each other a little more today Defeat hatred a lttle bit at a time Win the battles and dont worry of winning the war For not to fight hatred is the only crime! The night passes, Im told so by a screen, That slowly changing numbers shows, Each hour, minute and second that dies, Another night into oblivion goes...

And this night, like that day to me, Is as if it never was at all... And each to the next to come shall be As dawn is followed in time by nightfall.

And on a day to come we will pass
- And be to some a memory Who some cherish, more maybe not As if we did never be...
