Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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Tore Down by God, Who Was Angered by Man This Rainy Night Where Is She?

As today we reflect,
On how our faith is wrecked By faiths, so many
The saved, the chosen and the few This rainy night where is she? Is she in Dublin town
Racing along O' Connell Street, As the rain comes thundering down...

Our faith, as one, we tried to make United for our glorys sake
A tower, like Babylon to build high Assure ourselves of heaven when we died... Does she go home to a lover, Does she go home alone, Does another man share the love That I could never had known?

And God, by our effort was not amused Sowed doubt and debate and so confused Caused us to fight, wage war and die: Pride of man is the reason why. Or is she home in Italy In her town I don't know where, Or maybe she's from the country, Or from the mountains air...