Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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What I See Before Me

“For Lords or Kings I dinnae mourn

E’en let them die, for that they’re born”
- Robert Burns
“Elegy on the Year 1798”

All are dead, both great and small men Never to be known or heard of again And all shall rise in turn when The time it comes for man to be judged.

Then: see the King in fear shake His turn before the Judge take His case for clemency for to make As to his fate he's nudged…

What I see before me as I look around At where there is nobody or nothing I see peace, I see heaven and tranquility As a chorus of songbirds start to sing. Behind him stands the man that’s poor Who always of Gods love was sure With prayer, not complaint, he his cross did endure To his Salvation he has trudged!

At another time, if such a scene I see I would find it distressing, feeling alone For we see what we w see not as it is But rather how we feel on our own.
