Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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From Another World

Crazed beats echo into the night A couple passing shake their heads: say its not right
Crazy music, adored by crazy kids Lets, keep moving... one to the other bids.

Once on TV, a dance I saw A dance of emotion, wild and raw, Strangely graceful, I must presume

I thought so because of age and costume.

Clothes worn by the dancers, shown in black and white Dancing the Charleston somewhere one night What now seems quaint because it is old Was in its time both daring and bold.

Crazier music will come to be The one tut tutting will be me Remembering respectable nights spent Dancing to Eminem and 50 cent!

From another world they look on us, To visit us they wont try, For they all fear disaster,

And that they will die.

For mankind is a hopeless case, Even if one had the will,
But they, being wiser, effort will not waste, Saving us from each other trying to kill.

Benign strangers who view our world, With dismay - will our fighting ever cease? Why cant we like them be: Many - and at peace?

They're afraid that we will kill them, Because of all our wars that have been, Over whether man is black or white: Imagine what we'd do to green!