Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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The World Is Dying

To Grow In Love Is What God Asks The world is dying, they wail, and we don't listen... Its the ozone layer... we’ll have none in twenty years, We watch in wonder as they foretell our doom, And our leaders seem to cry crocodile tears.

We know not is it true or is it false, Or is it as bad as they say it will be, Oh, the fanaticism and fury of the ecologists, Though it may be to late... lets wait and see...

To grow in love is what God asks... Or lest not grow at all,
And let happy being small be... Should be when large not be good at all. For theirs nothing wrong with being small Though large all other things appear, And we strong to ourselves may not seem, Which causes us to have fear, For it is good to be small:
Its decreed by God above, To be small is a blessing
If your filled with love!