Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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Born of Loneliness Are The Arts A Dream Is Held Close To The Heart

I read a quotation that said " creativity is born of loneliness", A dream is held close to the heart, and while in times of dark moods indeed creativity can be And sometimes never shown, a release... it is not the only time of creativity.How great a waste when that dream,

Is never acted on or known...For me, creativity is a celebration of life... a day gone by
without a verse written is a bad one for me. Maybe I am crazy... ?So we think when of the think

Born of loneliness are the arts...
Spewing forth from depressed minds,
Who, from solitude of isolation...
Inspiration they can find...
Of someone's broken dream... But before those words you say... See if its what it may seem...

So it is said: I say is not so... For I love to life...
Find inspiration through life joys As much as from its strife...

And in the solitude of slumbers Just before I go to sleep... Ideas formulate in my mind... Many are lost.. a few I keep...

And upon the mornings waking... I find paper, and then,
My thoughts and dreams in verse
I commit to paper with my pen. A man had a dream to rule the world, As indeed had many,
Thankfully due to folly of man, In total come true did not any...

For he who dreamt or the world to rule, A thousand years until,
Was Hitler, to rule for the German race, And the unclean ones to kill...

That was his dream that failed, But it nearly did succeed,
Let only the dreams of men that are good Fail to fail... let the dreams of evil not succeed!

‘Tis true the lonely can use the arts As a way to null their pain, And we, who are the receivers, Know not the agonies behind our gain...

To say all artists are lonely is not true, To say their blessed is true indeed, Whether lonely or enjoying life... To create is the artist need!