Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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All Is Lost, When Lost Is Hope Carry On In Love

All is lost when lost is hope, For no future can be seen The caverns of despair that's there Is the darkest there has ever been, For without hope, we cannot try A way forward to find
And so we languish in the despondency Of the world and of our mind.

But those who try to find hope again Will find that it will come,
And a future ill present itself And contentment from that will come For that is how in real dark times The suffering manage to cope For all things bad, as all things good, they end, And that inspires hope!
Carry on in love the work of your God Though all around doubt your faith By your deeds may you preach, your sermon is seen And your beliefs are shown to be great.

But he who condemns and shouts scripture And as sinner a non believer he deems Shall inspire no faith, no: but hatred, And often be found to be not what he seems.

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