Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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.Let Us, As Friends, Not Be Silent Equally Wise and Foolish Are We

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

- Martin Luther King Jr
Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
- Albert Einstein

Our silence is worse than others shouts, For when our friends they assail, By word or by deed our friends are assaulted We aid the attackers when to speak out we fail. Equally wise and foolish are we, No matter what we think we know, In the presence of the almighty, Our ignorance of all we’ll show...

For our enemies words will be forgotten, As will the evil they’ve done,
But our silence and lack of action will be remembered, Long after the assault has gone... Those who doubted that our God, Was real and does exist, Shall be selected and separated, Directed, and dismissed.

We are not friends who are silent... We are as bad as the foe,
We who have voice we should use it, Let us as friends be vocal and always be so! Those who tried like God to be, With what they did invent, Like to, selected their quantity, And to Hells flames be sent.