Kelvinism 2.0 by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Going Off the Deep End


This a collection of three short, but hard-hitting books.

***The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don’t Want to Talk About).

What about the Christian race warrior? Doesn’t God want ya’ll ta be rich and famous? Don’t all those Holy books teach basically the same thing? Why are Christians so mean? Who was Jesus really? What is the point of the Church anyway? All these questions and more are explored in this short but hard-hitting book. The goal of this collection of essays is to provoke discussion on ideas that are often overlooked by the modern Church. If you are here looking for personal attacks on famous preachers, you will be disappointed. That ain’t what this here’s all about. However, if you are looking for an honest exploration of difficult subjects, I’m sure glad you came. You are the person I wrote I wrote all this for! Let’s sit down and have a discussion. There’s nothing wrong with searching for the truth. In fact, the only thing more frightening than the truth is never finding it.

***Lessons Learned in the Mourning.

When the valley is darker than it has ever been…when we lose someone we loved, what can we learn? Lessons Learned in the Mourning explores that question. Born from personal experiences, this book dives deep into the issues of loss, yet it also finds hope there. ***Beauty in a Scorched Land.

3 Stories. 2 Continents.1 Message. So different, so much the same… Samuel and Rob are two young men, living in two different worlds with strangely similar thoughts of romance. Can they overcome their internal secrets and the external threats of war? Will they successfully raise a family? Follow two intertwining stories through three dramatic, humorous, and sometimes horrifying episodes. Can you face the truth? Written to raise awareness of poverty and its effects, Beauty in a Scorched Land also features a selection of beautiful full-color photographs by Charlene Constant. Charlene is a nurse who spent some time working in Africa and offers insights gleaned from personal experience. As an extra bonus, a short story by Janice Constant is also included.