Life = Death - Volume 1 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I was tickled with feathers of ghastly lies; I felt beads of insurmountably anguish and desperation overwhelmingly creep up; on every cranny of my

impoverished persona,


When I was tickled with feathers of overwhelming commercialism; I felt as if rotting abominably in dungeons of horrifically sinister stagnation,


When I was tickled with feathers of abhorrent malice; I felt as if everything around me in this colossaly mesmerizing Universe; was a threadbare mirage of gruesomely insipid nothingness,


When I was tickled with feathers of indiscriminate racializm; I felt as if dagger heads of veritable death; had stabbed me countless kilometers beneath my gory grave,


When I was tickled with feathers of barbaric bloodshed; I felt an uncanny shudder paralyze each element of my spine; collapsed in an ungainly heap on the obdurate ground; relinquishing even the tiniest desire to live,


When I was tickled with feathers of insanely treacherous madness; I felt the artist in me stifle into horrendous oblivion; the harmonious air around me; ominously infiltrating each arena of my innocuous flesh,


When I was tickled with feathers of lecherous savagery; I felt every shade of passionate poignancy evaporate from my blood; plunged into the valley of extinction; instead of melanging with satanically blood sucking society,


When I was tickled with feathers of betrayal; I felt more devastated than the morbidly ghastly coffins; abnegating wholesomely from all desire and worldly virtues of exotic life,


When I was tickled with feathers of lackadaisical monotony; I felt as if every iota of God’s voluptuous planet was being ruthlessly lambasted; went deep into the mystical forests to meditate till my absolute end,


When I was tickled with feathers of relentless hostility; I felt as if the entire earth had become a capriciously frigid thread of religion; with the spirit of everlasting humanity disappearing into the aisles of non-existence,


When I was tickled with feathers of deplorably raunchy slavery; I felt as if there was no difference between man and animal; cursing every entity; menacingly under my enslaved breath,


When I was tickled with feathers of despondently crippling solitude; I felt as if being pushed into a dungeon of scorpions every unleashing minute; clenching my teeth till the last bone of my exhilarated body split into a boundless pieces,


When I was tickled with feathers of manipulative give and take; I felt as if my existence was a meaningless gutter of foul sewage; with philanthropism and good

will being things of waywardly obsolete past,


When I was tickled with feathers of disparagingly condemnable abuse; I felt each part of my rubicund flesh invidiously tarnished; unable to relive my original euphoria; even after a million baths,


When I was tickled with feathers of despairingly bizarre blackness; I felt as if optimism was a desert that had perennially dried up; as I slithered aimlessly in a whirlpool of uncouth savagery,


When I was tickled with feathers of ludicrously everlasting castigation; I felt as if there was no value of art in this diabolically cold blooded world; drowned myself forever in the ocean of my shattered versatility,


When I was tickled with feathers of dastardly terrorism; I felt as the world had departed from all elements of fabulous brotherhood and empathy; unrelentingly wailed for the innocently beheaded; before I decided to slit; the conglomerate of

my intricate veins apart,


When I was tickled with feathers of disastrously orphaned poverty; I felt tumultuously enraged at the unsurpassably rich; at blowing their surplus opulence

in spurious cigar smoke and wine; whilst their naked counterparts outside shivered

to an unbearable death,


But when I was tickled with feathers of immortally uninhibited love; I felt the most bountifully endowed entity alive; at last felt the beats of my truculently massacred heart; reach inside my chest to forever lead and romance with; majestic life.