Life = Death - Volume 1 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The walls were  my very best friends; as I boisterously conversed with them for hours immemorial; after the closest around me had turned a deaf ear to even the most brilliant of achievements; some shunting me due to lack of time; some shunting me brutally due to prejudice,


The walls were my very best friends; as I shared the most eccentric of my secrets with their invincible hardness; b'cause if I did the same with the society outside; it'd pounce and exploit me for my deficiencies to the fullest; and till the last breath

I exhaled,


The walls were my very best friends; as I adorned them with an infinite lines of spell-binding poetry; after the actual girl whom I'd written them for; preposterously ridiculed it and torched it alive,


The walls were my very best friends; as I banged my fists and legs against them an infinite times; after the pangs of livid isolation and worldly subterfuge; had thwarted me beyond any conceivable realm of sanctity,


The walls were my very best friends; as I unabashedly wept the most intricate woes of my heart against their impregnable stoicism; after my cherished near and dear; labeled me as only an emotional fool for the heartfelt moisture in my eyes,


The walls were my very best friends; as I sang a countless tunes of peace; towards their united oneness; after all I was coerced to do by my relatives; was work from 9 to 9 like a robot; in the malicious corporate world outside,


The walls were my very best friends; as they altruistically saw me for what I originally was and born; and not for money; status; sanctimonious position in the society that I'd vapidly attained,


The walls were my very best friends; as I made compassionate love to them tracing even the obscurest of their contours with my roving fingers; after all that emanated from the eyes of my own beloved; was nothing else but venomous abuse,


The walls were my very best friends; as they blissfully sheltered even the most evanescent of my shadow and desire; after all that blew outside was acrimonious wisps of smoke and pugnacious war,


The walls were my very best friends; as I wholesomely leaned upon them whilst eating my food; sleeping and tingling adventure; after the natural environment; trees and wildlife; were satanically bombarded by materialistic man outside,


The walls were my very best friends; as I uninhibitedly perpetuated them with my footprints; thumbprints and veritable signatures; after no other parchment of paper or space on this parasitic earth; was ready to accept them,


The walls were my very best friends; as I poignantly deciphered every intricate thread of my past in their fathomless recesses and darkness; after my own blood  indefatigably advised me to massacre all emotions; and turn murderously practical,


The walls were my very best friends; as I embraced them wholeheartedly like a child embracing its mother; finding undefeated compassion in their egalitarian chest; after no-one else in the world dared touch my body; grievously afflicted with hiv-aids,


The walls were my very best friends; as I proclaimed even the most hidden fantasy of my heart fearlessly infront of them; after the planet outside had hedonistically trounced me as a worthless imbecile,


The walls were my very best friends; as my paintbrush treated them as the ultimate canvas of life; inexhaustibly permeating them with poignantly vivacious color; after my own envious kin wanted my fingers to be cut in broad daylight,


The walls were my very best friends; as I exercised against them for unceasing minutes of the day and night; toning each dormant muscle of my body to face the ghastliest of traitors; after every ingredient of the world outside had become the blackness of treacherous war,


The walls were my very best friends; as I sought unparalleled inspiration looking at their unshakable periphery; even in the fiercest maelstrom and rain; after every organism in this manipulative world today trying to endlessly pin me down,


The walls were my very best friends; ardently listening to each of my passionately throbbing heartbeats; after all that the alien globe gave  them; was an unsurpassable graveyard of licentious betrayal,


The walls were my very best friends; unnervingly allowing me to ecstatically breathe down their naked nape; after my own revered beloved; discarded me disdainfully like reproachful shit; declaring my breath as foul.