Life = Death - Volume 1 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Only he who knows how to adeptly rebuild the castle perfectly; blending cement; concrete and glass in commensurate proportions; can audaciously dare trample

over and break it,


Only he who knows how to dexterously re-stitch the exquisite fabric; weave majestic cloth out of bland tufts of cotton; can audaciously dare to tear it,


Only he who knows how to expertly remold the intricately enigmatic jigsaw puzzle; can audaciously dare to dismantle it,


Only he who knows how to prolifically write infinite numbers of pages; inundate barren fragments of paper with multiple alphabets within seconds; can audaciously dare to rip it apart and dispose it,


Only he who knows how to enchantingly sing; capturing the entire Universe with his mesmerizing voice; can audaciously dare to stop all conversation; stop each voice from flowing,


Only he who knows how to run; conquer invincible summits of the mountain taking boundless strides at a time; can audaciously dare to sleep when the entire world around him slogged and worked,


Only he who knows how to adroitly mend the car brakes; blend them back to perfection within split seconds of time; can audaciously dare to snap them,


Only he who knows how to voraciously swim; wade his way across the most stormy waters and ferociously swirling sea; can audaciously dare to sink to its rock bottom,


Only he who knows how to appreciate even the most minuscule of beauty hovering around in the cosmos; had the incomprehensible power to envisage and perceive

the most tantalizing sights that ever existed on this earth close eyed; can audaciously dare to pierce his eyes and go pathetically blind,


Only he who knows how to clean the entire room; annihilate even the most  infinitesimal trace of dirt adhering to the walls; can audaciously dare to dirty



Only he who knows how to make strangers laugh within seconds; foment them to thunderously chortle at even the smallest joke of his; can audaciously dare to make

them cry,


Only he who knows how to stare unrelentingly looking into the heart of the fiery Sun; profoundly admiring its poignant tenacity; can audaciously dare to blink

without control,


Only he who knows how to attract any female towards him without the slightest of effort; foment her to love him by merely looking into her eyes; can

audaciously dare to betray her,


Only he who knows how to grow countless number of trees; producing tons of salubrious grains round the year from the field mingling raw seeds in robust soil; can audaciously dare to chop one with the axe,


Only he who knows how to meditate incessantly; profusely concentrating on the deity of sacrosanct God; communicating with him whenever he wanted to; can audaciously dare to shout with the satanic devil; every hour after the onset of midnight,


Only he who knows how to convince every entity with the eloquent power of his speech; propagate the message of unfathomable truth and peace ubiquitously all around the Globe; can audaciously dare to speak a string of blatant lies,


Only he who knows how to miraculously heal the body of the most inexplicable of ailment; grant reprieve to the miserably afflicted by the mere caress of his Omnipotent palms; can audaciously dare of poisoning it,


Only he who knows how to recreate the entire planet; by merely opening diminutive portions of his Omniscient mouth; can audaciously dare of completely destroying it,


And only he who knows how to impart new life; procreate millions by the Omnipresent power engulfing his visage; can audaciously dare of abruptly ending it

entirely and snatching it.