Life = Death - Volume 1 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start optimistically illuminating every drearily lambasted arena of today’s sinful night; with the boundless fire of fearlessness in each of your ever-pervadingly altruistic footsteps,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start brilliantly illuminating every miserably asphyxiated cavern of today’s dolorous night; with the untamed fire of timelessly unbridled creativity in your brain,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start indefatigably illuminating every lugubriously crippled ingredient of today’s sordid night; with the uncurbed fire of miraculously ameliorating artistry in each of your resplendent fingers,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start interminably illuminating every wretchedly shriveled leaf of today’s ribald night; with the unsurpassable fire of everlastingly astounding virility in each of your bones,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start inexorably illuminating every tawdrily deteriorating element of today’s salacious night; with the invincible fire of eternal truth in your benign conscience,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start unstoppably illuminating every ghastily reproachful twig of today’s unpardonable night; with the undefeated fire of inimitably priceless symbiotism in each of your blessed veins,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start impregnably illuminating every hideously perverted cranny of today’s imperiling night; with the unshakable fire of effulgently resurgent enthusiasm in every naked patch of your eyes,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start incessantly illuminating every treacherously demeaning shadow of today’s incarcerated night; with the unassailable fire of immeasurably bountiful sensuality; in each of your seductive eyelashes,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start unrelentingly illuminating every haplessly victimized labyrinth of today’s vengeful night; with the magical fire of ubiquitously peerless brotherhood; timelessly sparkling in each of your eye,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start tirelessly illuminating every vindictively tyrannized wind of today’s sacrilegious night; with the unconquerable fire of bounteous compassion; in every word that you truthfully spoke,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start triumphantly illuminating every hedonistically slavering pebble of today’s profane night; with the unlimited fire of victoriously unfettered perseverance; in each droplet of your golden sweat,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start endlessly illuminating every deplorably divested coffin of today’s acrimonious night; with the untainted fire of pristinely innocuous mellifluousness; in each decibel of your magnanimous voice,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start unflinchingly illuminating every truculently devastated shred of today’s jinxed night; with the limitless fire of spell bindingly ecumenical humanity; in each of your benevolently silken shadow,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start optimistically illuminating every diabolically staggering mortuary of today’s pugnacious night; with the uninterrupted fire of impeccably divinely mischief; in each pore of your vivaciously nubile skin,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start intransigently illuminating every sadistically morose jailhouse of today’s demonic night; with the unceasing fire of perpetually uplifting freedom; in each of your poignantly blessed stride,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start fantastically illuminating every acridly incorrigible thorn of today’s preposterous night; with the Omnipotent fire of perennially undaunted simplicity; in each of your inevitably

humanitarian actions,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start indomitably illuminating every devilishly castrated whisper of today’s atrocious night; with the universal fire of unbreakably poignant belonging; in each of your enchantingly priceless heartbeat,


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start insuperably illuminating every sacrilegiously demented graveyard of today’s licentious night; with the spell binding fire of effulgently Omnipresent breath; in each of your bounteously

titillating nostrils, 


And if you didn’t want to wait till the next Sunrise;  then start royally illuminating every carnivorously stabbing battlefield of the dastardly night; with the unimaginable fire of uninhibitedly God-gifted beauty; in each perennially fructifying transpiration of your soul.