35. IDEA
Without it even the most astoundingly greatest of musicians; would have simply nothing to mellifluously sing; incessantly flex the poignantly intricate chords of their throat till the corridors of untainted eternity,
Without it even the most sensitively greatest of artists; would have simply nothing to inscrutably paint; tirelessly juggle the beautifully silken veins of their fingers in the mists of unabashed desire,
Without it even the most spellbindingly greatest of dancers; would have simply nothing to timelessly gyrate on; mystically inundate every cranny of the remorsefully incarcerated atmosphere; with endlessly enchanting color and charm,
Without it even the most symbiotically greatest of potters; would have simply nothing to jubilantly evolve; unceasingly perpetuate handsome shapes and life; to a mountain of worthlessly decrepit clay,
Without it even the most brilliantly greatest of businessmen; would have simply nothing to ingeniously manipulate; interminably ensure the channelization of
currency to all fraternities of the society,
Without it even the most majestically greatest of surgeons; would have simply nothing to miraculously cure; indefatigably using myriad of new innovations to
mitigate inexplicably excruciating pain,
Without it even the most classically greatest of poets; would have simply nothing to unrelentingly fantasize; gorgeously embody fathomless sheets of barren paper with inimitably invincible literature,
Without it even the most victoriously greatest of scientists; would have simply nothing to intriguingly discover; spawn an impregnable civilization of newness
from lividly decrepit bits of sullen nothingness,
Without it even the most experimentally greatest of farmers; would have simply nothing to freshly sow; harness worthlessly inane chunks of dead soil; into
the most ubiquitously fructifying fruits of an optimistic tomorrow,
Without it even the most triumphantly greatest of teachers; would have simply nothing to rhapsodically teach; permeate an entrenchment of inevitable curiosity; in ecstatically developing and nubile minds,
Without it even the most piquantly greatest of critics; would have simply nothing to undyingly analyze; candidly endeavor to metamorphose every bit of inadvertent inferiority; into a utopia of infallible perfection,
Without it even the most ebulliently greatest of sportsmen; would have simply nothing to indisputably excel; reach the absolute zenith of unassailably sparkling victory; as they extemporized every minute,
Without it even the most patriotically greatest of world leaders; would have simply nothing to ecumenically celebrate; uninhibitedly evolve a heaven of newer and newer policies; for the egalitarian betterment of all living kind,
Without it even the most tantalizingly greatest of writers; would have simply nothing to fictitiously embolden; perennially rest the robotically castrated foundation of this commercial world; on a pedestal of uninterrupted dreams,
Without it even the most impeccably greatest of priests; would have simply nothing to bounteously preach; infallibly sermonize the ideals of a synergistically benign existence; from the perspective of the Gods,
Without it even the most unimpeachably greatest of philanthropists; would have simply nothing to altruistically serve; limitlessly culminate into freshly born beams of hope and desire; in order to reach out to all those hopelessly asphyxiated in the coffins of parasitic salaciousness,
Without it even the most compassionately greatest of builders; would have simply nothing to gorgeously erect; bless countless kilometers of aridly impotent land; with the most bewitchingly different and indomitable dwellings for all humanity,
Without it even the most unconquerably greatest of minds; would have simply nothing to undefeatedly think; peerlessly gallop into the most fantastically unadulterated tunnels of desire and longing; for times immemorial,
As the entire boundless world and every single organism who has breathed; is living and shall continue to holistically exist; lives upon it; depends upon it; prosperously thrives upon it; timelessly romanticizes in its unfettered glory; and eventually
dies if there’s not the tiniest trace of an exhilarating “IDEA”.