Life = Death - Volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I might be jobless; not frequenting the spuriously bombastic interiors of office once again,

But I was definitely not without spell binding fantasy; dreaming in a land of paradise; while my pompously suited mates out there; battered their heads in the choking conference room.


I might be jobless; not stepping in the realms of my miserably claustrophobic office once again,

But I was definitely not without enthusiasm; blossoming into untamed newness every unleashing minute; while my manipulatively perspiring mates out there; acrimoniously ran for their blood; when the big boss absconded merrily on his tour.


I might be jobless; not entering the dingily squashed interiors of murderous office; as the clock ticked past 9; once again,

But I was definitely not without enthrallment; having the time of my life with the girl of my dreams; while my disdainfully mundane mates out there; barked indefatigably on their subordinates; eventually collapsing on cold floor; in utter frustration and



I might be jobless; not bowing down pretentiously in front of my pot-bellied boss every morning; once again,

But I was definitely not without freedom; gallivanting to the most exuberantly remote place that I wanted; while my collared mates out there; pathetically grimaced in lecherous agony; sighting each other’s monthly emoluments.


I might be jobless; not sitting like a slithering goldfish in my seat before everyone arrived in office; at the crack of dawn; once again,

But I was definitely not without my art; perceiving the most stupendously grandiloquent imagery on this fathomless Universe; while my sanctimoniously attired

compatriots out there; marched left; right; and center; to the tunes of ruthlessly never ending clients.


I might be jobless; not polishing the shoes of my seniors; as they ordered me like a slave in office; once again,

But I was definitely not without optimistic hope; dancing in the aisles of tantalizing seduction; while my frigidly clean shaven friends out there; clapped and laughed to even the most poorest joke of the boss; embracing his battalion of children;

like their very own.


I might be jobless; not conceiving sleazy management policies; while my boss snored in heavenly bliss; once again,

But I was definitely not without astronomical conviction; plunging into the valley of ebullient adventure every unleashing minute; while my commercially tyrannical counterparts; burnt their conscience’s out there; in a pool of derogatory smoke

and rebuke.


I might be jobless; not touching the feet of my hopelessly dictatorial supremo; once again,

But I was definitely not without enigmatic mysticism; drowning myself profusely in the swirl of melody and enchantment; while my conventionally tycoon mates out

there; hideously plotted behind each other’s backs; to catapult to the pinnacle of baseless power.


And I might be jobless; not frequenting the boundaries of abominably rotting office ever in my life; once again,

But I was definitely not without life; leading; romanticizing; exploring it to the fullest as each night ripened into day; while my fellow mates out there; died a million deaths every second; in the murderous rat race to be the absolute best.