Life = Death - Volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I preferred standing barechested under sweltering rays of the Sun; profusely basking in a pool of gloriously golden sweat,

Rather than rotting away like a piece of dilapidated dirt incarcerated well within the dungeons; in fear of how the world would look outside.


I preferred plunging intrepidly into the vindictive; valiantly clashing my sword in the supreme exultation of defending my priceless integrity,

Rather than listening to unsolicited abuse as the days unveiled by; petrified to venture outside in fear of being uncouthly assassinated.


I preferred swimming in full fledged fervor against the tumultuously turbulent waves of the ocean; taking the rhapsodically tangy spray full throttle on my cheeks,

Rather than sitting like a disheveled banana on the shores; ruminating unsurpassable number of times; upon the aftermaths after being devoured by the sharks.


I preferred clambering up the treacherous slope of the mountain head on against the exuberant breeze; with the soles of my robustly sturdy feet the only respite,

Rather than waiting countless decades for a golden helicopter to descend; catapult me to the absolutesummit within lightening flashes of the eye.


I preferred walking boundless kilometers in the astronomically dense forest; searching for the glamorous fruits of nature which I savored even in my dreams,

Rather than wait like a frigidly parasitic mosquito on the ground; for destiny to place the fathomless festoon of berries; languidly in my lazy lap.


I preferred wholeheartedly embracing the euphorically crackling flames of fire; profusely relishing the flamboyant warmth that rejuvenated every dreary bone in my persona,

Rather than running a million kilometers away from the blazing inferno; dreadfully afraid of being scorched to the corpse.


I preferred blurting out whatever was fulminating in the topmost compartment of my mind; candidly expressing even the most infinitesimal iota of my feelings,

Rather than plotting a battalion of insidiously lethal ideas; like a trembling coward behind the back of my compatriots.


I preferred speaking the perpetual truth at the cost of my rubicund flesh; although it blended the sky and the earth together in the swirl of its irrefutably overwhelming agony,

Rather than camouflaging my words with the cloud of deceitful lies; manipulatively evolving every word I spoke.


I preferred to proclaim my love for my beloved in front of the entire acrid world; in the face of rebuke and the most severest penalty from the society for my act of unconventional audacity,

Rather than strangulating my senses painstakingly; bit by bit; as I watched them bonding her sacrosanct countenance with the mate of her choice.


And I preferred to die infinite deaths this very instant with my head held high; and the voice of my impeccably righteous conscience dictating me to execute every action of my existence,

Rather than leading a life slaving for another molecule of my kind; bowing down my persona to a diabolically lecherous entity; whom even the Lord had rejected since immemorial times.