Life = Death - Volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Don’t ever let it obnoxiously deter you; irrefutably transcend its cowardliness; with the voice of eternally glorious truth; instead,


Don’t ever let it pathetically maim you; insuperably conquer its idiosyncrasies; with unflinchingly intrepid determination; instead,


Don’t ever let it treacherously pulverize you; blow its infidelity away like an  inconspicuously frigid matchstick; with the power of Omnipotent

benevolence; instead,


Don’t ever let it ruthlessly suck you; irretrievably char its unmanliness; with the philanthropic melody of symbiotic existence; instead,


Don’t ever let it devastatingly tyrannize you; wholesomely triumph over its blackness; with the light of blazingly unassailable oneness; instead,


Don’t ever let it mordantly dishearten you; aristocratically sideline its diabolism; with the winds of scintillatingly charismatic camaraderie; instead,


Don’t ever let it hideously slap you; irrevocably freeze its satanic insinuations; with the Omnipotent mantra of regally proliferating humankind; instead,


Don’t ever let it maliciously prejudice you; jubilantly jostle its deterioration; with the spirit of intriguingly enchanting exuberance; instead,


Don’t ever let it painstakingly dither you; perennially challenge its heinousness; with the everlasting sunshine of brilliant optimism; instead,


Don’t ever let it baselessly empower you; implacably annihilate its goriness; with the lamp of panoramically vibrant newness; instead,


Don’t ever let it derogatorily corrupt you; nonchalantly shrug its insipid meaninglessness; with the boundless sky of sacredly burgeoning patriotism; instead,


Don’t ever let it invidiously strangulate you; majestically overwhelm its wailing; with the melodiously fructifying fruits of amiably marvelous existence; instead,


Don’t ever let it truculently dictate you; inexorably dominate its acridness; with the resplendently enamoring vividness of mother nature; instead,


Don’t ever let it malevolently slander you; inimitably silence its obsolescence; with the fabric of impeccably magical originality; instead,

Don’t ever let it indiscriminately trample you; eternally overpower its salaciousness; with the immaculately fragrant ointment of sparkling uninhibitedness; instead,


Don’t ever let it remorsefully shrink you; indefatigably restrict its feckless morbidity; with the wings of unequivocally astronomical freedom; instead,


Don’t ever let it intransigently lambaste you; spell bindingly extinguish its retribution; with unprecedented gorges of tantalizingly smothering artistry; instead, 


Don’t ever let it enter your life; for it was the only thin line between you and the paradise of immortally bountiful success; the only gallows which barbarously snatched breath forever from your body even though you were synergistically alive; the only cadaverous demon which robbed you of all your fathomlessly endowed

happiness; the only word which you never wanted to utter if you wanted to live,


And if you guessed it to be death then let me tell you that you were horrifically wrong; for it was a death more gruesome than veritable death; as it was a corpse

of 2 more alphabets than death; infact an unending graveyard called failure