Life = Death - Volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When the extraordinarily rich and bombastic slept in the afternoon; they called it relaxation of the most unprecedentedly blissful degree,

While when the same was done by a diminutively estranged beggar; the so called conventionally correct society; termed it as dastardly unemployment.


When the unimaginably rich and pretentious guzzled poignantly scarlet wine; they called it majestically untamed and compassionate aristocracy,

While when the same was done by a remorsefully collapsing beggar; the so called austerely conventional society; termed it as deliriously devastating drunkenness.


When the unfathomably rich and handsome shot innocent deer in the forest; they called it insatiably exhilarating and intrepid adventure,

While when the same was done by a pathetically bedraggled beggar; the so called stringently conventional society; termed it as cannibalistically unforgivable crime.


When the limitlessly rich and luxurious hurled a volley of indiscriminate invectives in blissfully open space; they called it the definition of unparalleled superiority,

While when the same was done by an infinitesimally slavering beggar; the so called devoutly conventional society; termed it as a gutter of unceremoniously

uncivilized trash.


When the unsurpassably rich and glittering put an impression of their thumb on spotlessly barren paper; they called it legacy at its unbelievably supreme best,

While when the same was done  by the preposterously teetering beggar; the so called dogmatically conventional society; termed it as the worthlessly salacious pigstalk of treacherous illiteracy.


When the endlessly rich and powerful titillated themselves with tawdrily nubile vixen; they called it a mountain of insuperably gargantuan desire,

While when the same was done by the diminutively perspiring beggar; the so called legitimately  conventional society; termed it as rapaciously ribald rape and debauchery of the highest decree.


When the inexorably rich and dictatorial produced a battalion of children of their own; they called it the law of astoundingly unstoppable proliferation at its ageless best,

While when the same was done by the miserably tearstained and hapless beggar; the so called staunchly conventional society; termed it as the jinx of devilishly merciless population explosion.


When the staggeringly rich and superfluous flirted as if mischievous young children; they called it the most celestially blessed culmination of the immaculately

unassailable divine,

While when the same was done by the jaggedly disheveled beggar; the so called perspicaciously conventional society; termed it as insanely unsolicited balderdash.


And when the boundlessly rich and princely inhaled quintessentially emollient air every unfurling instant; they called it the ultimate mantra of symbiotically philanthropic existence,

While when the same was done by the obliviously decaying beggar; the so called irrevocably conventional society; termed it as a parasitically intolerable and cold-bloodedly murderous burden on the trajectory of immortal mother earth.