Life = Death - Volume 4 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Unconquerable Mountains; with my silhouette towering unflinchingly handsome; even as the most hedonistically extemporizing dinosaurs; lambasted over me left; right and brutal center,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of  the Brilliant Sun; with the uninhibitedly Omnipotent aura radiating from my demeanor; enlightening the lamp of optimistic

hope in every frigidly diminishing household,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Enigmatic Forests; with an unsurpassably euphoric stream of inscrutable excitement; perennially lingering from the whites of my uncannily princely eyes,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Fathomless Cosmos; with the every bit of the celestially spell binding Universe; compassionately titillating and dancing on my pristine fingertips,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Nostalgically Romantic Past; with even the most infinitesimally obsolete cranny of skin rapaciously longing; for the impeccably glorious moments once again; when I was a Godly infant,


I didn’t want to lead life as  MAN of the Bountifully Burgeoning Paradise; with all that wafting from my immaculately milky persona being nothing else but; the rainbows of everlastingly unfazed success,


I didn’t want to lead life as Man of the Effervescently Ticklish Circus; with even the most diminutively nimble bone of my countenance fulminating into an untamed catharsis of impregnably unparalleled laughter,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Redolently Vivacious roses; ubiquitously disseminating the scent of wonderfully egalitarian existence; in every heart and

soul alike,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Opalescently Revolutionary Millennium; metamorphosing even the most evanescent coffin of horrendous despair; with my

unfathomable ocean of brilliantly stupefying inventions,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Blazingly Glamorous Hollywood; with even the most ethereally disappearing of my shadows; being crazily engulfed by winds of glitterati and intransigently unending cynosure,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Amiably Blissful Stars; indefatigably shimmering into a festoon of gloriously heavenly ecstasy; for hours and

centuries galore,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Endlessly Enamoring Dreams; dogmatically unable to do anything; except open the corridors of my brain to inexorably

muse; mesmerize and dream,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Jubilantly Undulating Oceans; unfolding every conceivable minute of my lifetime with the sensuously salty waves; of limitlessly ebullient springiness,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Charismatically Priceless Pearls; enrapturing even the most obfuscated ingredient of my impoverished blood; with the miraculous magic of perpetually grandiloquent Opulence,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Timelessly Fascinating Deserts;  unequivocally rolling in the glistening sands; like the most invincibly silken

prince of all times,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Romantically Imprisoning Winds; timidly surrendering even the most inconspicuous iota of my existence to the chapters of

voluptuous bewilderment and love,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Blisteringly Dynamic Future; profusely using the firmament of space age; to mollify even the most infidel of my bodily urge,


I didn’t want to lead life as MAN of the Pragmatically Perspicacious Today; holistically confronting each moment of my symbiotically destined life; as it mystically unfurled,


But rather if given a choice and by the blessings of the Lord Almighty; I would indeed want to lead life as man of the current moment; unlimitedly relishing the puff of air ecstatically tingling my nostrils this very moment; making me feel the richest organism on earth alive; not only for this birth of mine but for every birth of mine that the Creator made me to triumphantly sail.