Life = Death - Volume 4 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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In my dreams I climbed mount Everest barefoot; reaching the summit within flash seconds of time,

While in real life my feet trembled in the snow; and I relinquished the expedition midway; safely returning home. 


In my dreams I pulverized unbaked bricks into infinite splinters; with the mere caress of my hands,

While in real life the conglomerate of bones in my hands developed a factory of crack; after I succeeded doing the same; taking intervals to inhale long breaths. 


In my dreams I stood clad in threadbare attire; in bold confrontation with the striped panther; trying to subdue his thunderous growl,

While in real life I clambered up the nearby tree at electric speeds; in order to save my skin getting ruthlessly stripped by the beast. 


In my dreams I philandered with the most beautiful women on earth; profoundly admiring their charisma; lured by their mystical grace and charm,

While In real life I refrained from doing so; due to sheer terror of my domineering spouse. 


In my dreams I ate the most sumptuous of meals; drank stupendously ravishing grape vine,

While in real life I had to remain contented with minuscule  fillings of rice blended with curd; with the occasional chunk of raspberry bread. 


In my dreams I basked in the sunshine on the roof of the glistening palace; feasting my eyes on the panoramic view of the blueberry hills; with a fleet of professionals massaging my silhouette,

While in real life I got up with aching bones from my indigenous cot; took the acrimonious rays of sun directly in my hazel eyes. 


In my dreams I envisaged myself as an enchanting singer; alluring scores of crowd by the mesmerizing melody in my voice,

While in real life the ones in vicinity abhorrently closed their ears; unable to bear the tyranny of my hoarse and masculine sound.


In my dreams I saw blank checks strewn in bountiful abundance around my demeanor; waiting ardently for my signature and the amount I wished to withdraw,

While in real life I slogged like a bull all sweltering day; didn’t have the capacity of handling the parchment; let alone signing one. 


In my dreams I perceived white water streams gushing past my entrance gate;

diffusing their spray with poignant alacrity on my face,

While in real life I had the fetid gutter flowing rampantly past my doorsteps; with an irascible odor wafting; which made me unrelentingly sneeze. 


In my dreams I watched enticing films on grandiloquent screens studded with articulate diamonds; whose scintillating glare was a trifle difficult for my eyes to absorb,

While in real life there lay a dilapidated television beside my bed; displaying pictures in spiceless black and white; intentionally distorting the intricate images. 


In my dreams I saw ostentatious cars lined up my porch; with the drivers seat made of satin sponge,

While in real life all I had was a bicycle with an aboriginal bell; and the capricious brakes failing I needed them the most. 


In my dreams I saw angels from the sky cajoling me; cuddling me in the ribs;

reciting historic fables of love and beautiful splendor,

While in real life I had the ominous eyes of my employer staring down at me menacingly; expecting ingenious policies that would change the complexion of his bedraggled business. 


In my dreams I incessantly fantasized spending marathon hours with the girl I loved

drowning inexorably into the ocean of her immaculate love,

While in real life there were a mountain of barricades which separated us; prevented us from fulfilling our desires. 


Therefore it is my humble plea to you O! Divine Creator; to sequester me from acerbic realities of mundane life,

Let me voraciously romanticize; let me be in the colossal kingdom of my dreams.