Life = Death - Volume 4 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Ask the pristinely large eyed child; as to how does it feel after losing both his parents; to the most tragically unfortunate and demonically pulverizing of car crash?


Ask the century old royal tree; as to how does it feel after being ruthlessly uprooted from its compassionate mother soil; just for viciously illuminating; the politician’s every spurious bonfire night?


Ask the majestically unabashed ocean; as to how does it feel after cold-bloodedly scurrilous man indiscriminately used it for the most derogatory nuclear experimentation; unstoppably killed its aristocratic fish and life; for his worthlessly

impotent cuisine?


Ask the eternally burgeoning mother; as to how does she feel after the most priceless ingredient of her womb; her son; was eventually beheaded by the enemy camp; who’d being diabolically torturing him since times immemorial?


Ask the unsurpassably towering building; as to how does it feel after the brutally devastating earthquake; which uncompromisingly rattled and shattered the foundations of all races and times?


Ask the adroitly blissful fish; as to how does it feel after being heartlessly placed in the unsparingly simmering oven; after relishing and replenishing each element of its life; as the ultimate queen of the fathomless sea?


Ask the bounteously spawning soil; as to how does it feel after being barbarously ploughed with the most invidiously carnivorous pickaxes of menacing steel; in

man’s rapacious thirst to discover and strike gold?


Ask the vivaciously enamoring rainbow; as to how does it feel after the clouds and rain wholesomely disappeared; with nothing else but the indefatigably blazing Sun evaporating every conceivable thing in the atmosphere?


Ask the exuberantly ecstatic youngster; as to how does it feel after being subjected to the direct wrath of the atom bomb; being further left alongwith countless more of his generations to crawl without arms and legs; upon salaciously cold ground?


Ask the fearlessly true soldier; as to how does it feel after being gracefully handed back to his respective country by the opposition; and then being addressed as an infertile traitor for the remainder of his life?


Ask the redolently unconquerable rose; as to how does it feel after each of its compassionate petal in infinite millions of its kind; were sinfully plucked and then pervertedly flushed down the lavatory hole?


Ask the tantalizingly moistened dewdrop; as to how does it feel after the acrimoniously unsparing rays of the belligerent summer; evaporated even the most

infinitesimal ounce of it; till times immemorial?


Ask the convivially ebullient bird; as to how does it feel after the pugnaciously acid coated kite string; satanically cut the impregnably united mass of its wings; into a worthless two?


Ask the independently invincible flag; as to how does it feel after being conquered and replaced; by the flag of ominously incarcerating and deplorably ribald dictatorship?


Ask the unassailably humanitarian blood; as to how does it feel after being amorphously dissected into the devilish boundaries and vindictive differences of

color/caste/creed and tribe?


Ask the ecstatically twinkling eye; as to how does it feel after being subjected to infinite billion tears of sheer hopelessness; inflicted by the venomous commercialism of this treacherously manipulative world today?


Ask the endlessly fantasizing brain; as to how does it feel after being subjected to unendingly sadistic germs of monotony; in order to carry forward the inevitable swirl of pragmatically massacring life?


Ask the immortally passionate heart; as to how does it feel after being hedonistically poisoned with the inconsolable mortuaries; of demonically asphyxiating betrayal?


And the next time you ever feel sad; or hopelessly insignificant; or inexplicably depressed for no ostensible reason and rhyme; even after possessing all of God’s impregnably enamoring endowments upon mankind intact; then please for heaven sake do remember all the answers.