Life = Death - Volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Let not even the most ferociously blazing rays of the Sun ever conquer you; as you skyrocketed on your indefatigable mission to save bereaved humanity; come

what may in your impoverished way, 


Let not even the most treacherously parasitic scorpions ever conquer you; as you blazed like the ultimate thunderbolts of righteousness; despite the satanically derogatory stings that perpetuated every cranny of your diminutive countenance, 


Let not even the most truculently devastating of earthquakes ever conquer you; as you culminated into a festoon of compassionately amiable belonging; perpetually embracing your compatriots in gorily inexplicable pain; although the earth slipped from beneath your feet, 


Let not even the most vindictively swirling oceans ever conquer you; as you innocuously frolicked beyond the moonlit hills with orphaned infants in your

gregarious arms; although each wave salaciously tried to asphyxiate the very last iota of breath from your lungs, 


But be conquered in mind; body and soul by the winds of immortal love; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the dewdrops of eternal friendship; be conquered in mind; body and soul by symbiotically tantalizing beauty; becoming the robustly redolent shimmer of your eyes.




Let not even the most dictatorially coldblooded chains ever conquer you; as you uninhibitedly liberated every trace of uxoriously fretting slavery on this boundless

Universe; with your unassailable mantra to fearlessly survive, 


Let not even the most diabolically gargantuan of dinosaurs ever conquer you; as you irrefutably transcended over every speck of ruthless devil on this fathomless planet; with your voice of sacredly Omnipotent truth, 


Let not even the most remorseful corpses of stagnating hell ever conquer you; as you ebulliently blended every element of your blessed countenance; with the spirit of goodness for times immemorial, 


Let not even the most acrimoniously ghastly thorns ever conquer you; as you paved your very own path of scintillatingly altruistic patriotism; although the

entire planet lambasted you without the tiniest of respite, 


But be conquered in mind; body and soul by the mists of immortal love; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the elixir of everlastingly victorious freedom; be

conquered in mind; body and soul by the spirit of sparkling benevolence; becoming the insuperable tenacity of your every stride.




Let not even the most venomously blatant of lies ever conquer you; as you towered as the tallest entity on this Universe; harmoniously disseminating the wave of unflinchingly heavenly togetherness, 


Let not even the most horrifically rampaging maelstroms ever conquer you; as you timelessly floated as a celestial harbinger of humanity; euphorically surpassing the indiscriminate boundaries of caste; creed; color; and spuriously sanctimonious tribe, 


Let not even the most repugnantly ignominious of abuse ever conquer you; as you blissfully enlightened the lives of countless deprived and hapless; with the mellifluously fragrant luminosity in your voice, 


Let not even the most invidiously strangulating blackness ever conquer you; as you miraculously radiated into a candle of optimistically burgeoning hope; at the footsteps of every dwindling dwelling, 


But be conquered in mind; body and soul by the sky of immortal love; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the strings of divinely peace; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the meadows of enthralling adventure; becoming the heart of your destiny lines.




Let not even the most sordidly decrepit of stench ever conquer you; as you blossomed into a fountain of unrelenting ecstasy; philanthropically becoming the

smile of every obsoletely beleaguered face; as the day unfurled into sensuous night, 


Let not even the most heinously cataclysmic of nightmare ever conquer you; as you unconquerably diffused the scent of symbiotically priceless existence; to far and wide across this endless planet, 


Let not even the most delinquently dilapidated corruption ever conquer you; as you rhapsodically galloped with your comrades in turbulent pain on your selfless shoulders; although the embers of gruesomely smoldering viciousness sadistically greeted you on every lane you took, 


Let not even the most insanely tyrannizing betrayal ever conquer you; as you Omnisciently propagated the mantra of triumphant solidarity; till the very last

puff of air that you exhaled, 


But be conquered in mind; body and soul by the Universe of ubiquitous love; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the entrenchment of vibrantly mystical life; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the invincible armor of simplicity; becoming the profoundly impregnable embellishment of your passionately beautiful heart.