Life = Death - Volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Some said that there was only and just brutally crucifying darkness; a wall of satanically pulverizing blackness; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just ghastily crippling silence; an unsurpassable coffin of tyrannically hopeless devastation; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just enchantingly invincible paradise; a festoon of royally resplendent heavens to welcome you; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just gruesomely ribald boredom; unsurpassable mortuaries of deplorably crucifying frustration; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just sadistically satanic torture; brutal excoriation of even the most infinitesimal of bones; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just fetidly abhorrent stench; limitless dungeons of sacrilegious decay; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just insanely bawdy mania; uprooting every ingredient of celestial happiness; after you wholesomely relinquished your very

last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just diabolically annihilating hell; the carcasses of unceasingly vindictive doomsday; after you wholesomely relinquished your very

last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just unconquerably perpetual rebirth; the same form of life being consummately replaced by another; after you wholesomely  relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just true emancipation of the soul; with  it entering another symbiotically holy spirit; after you wholesomely relinquished your very

last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just profanely livid loneliness; every iota of the blood being frozen into wisps of inane meaninglessness; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 

Some said that there was only and just hedonistically evil distortion; the graveyards of the most cancerously maiming of disease plaguing every ounce of your vibrant existence; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just a despairing oblivion of infinite infinity; helplessness and ominous hopelessness on every step that you dared tread; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just an invidious apocalypse of hysterical sobbing; a haunted house of inconsolably never-ending misery; after you wholesomely  relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just a tomb of indefatigable bad luck; where even the most evanescent droplet of water that you tried to consume metamorphosing into victimizing venom; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just a Universe of blessed re-incarnation; unassailably Omnipotent life spawning on every quarter of earth; after you

wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just a pigstalk of stinkingly debasing lies; a jailhouse of lecherously penalizing felony; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Some said that there was only and just a lugubriously jinxed ghost; forlornly cursed wails of tawdrily decrepit nothingness; after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died, 


Whilst I said that as long as you lived and there was life; there simply wasn’t anything like death; not even the most ethereal of its agnostic insinuation; and after you wholesomely relinquished your very last breath and died; there wasn’t the tiniest of possibility of contemplating your deathly options any further; as no form of vibrant life would ever dare even whisper and come back again.