Life = Death - Volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The plain cow milk steaming on the stove looked pretty bland; with infinite bubbles emanating from its persona,

However the color of the liquid; with the blend of surplus vitamins impregnated

left in my mind a lasting impression.


The tapered blades of ceiling fan appeared quite ordinary; with a series of inconspicuous blemishes adorning the same,

However the exuberant draughts of air it generated; transforming the blazing atmosphere into one with sedative cool; left in my mind a lasting impression.


The branches of the colossal oak tree looked rustic and indigenous with century old corrugations protruding from its exteriors,

However clusters of green leaves sprouting from its body; and the vivacious squirrels clambering its surface; left in my mind a lasting impression.


The thunderclouds in the sky appeared dangerously ominous; casting a diabolical look on the earth,

However voraciously pelting droplets of rain; accompanied with streaks of silver lightning; left in my mind a lasting impression.


The beer in the cylindrical bottle looked like any ordinary liquid; with its plum color not attracting paramount attention,

However the exhilaration that occurred after consuming it; the umpteenth fantasies that revolved incessantly; left in my mind a lasting impression.


Swarms of bees in the hive appeared disillusioning; buzzing with discordant cacophony at unprecedented heights from the ground,

However the nectar oozing from their diminutive bodies; the sharpness of their

sting; left in my mind a lasting impression.


The serrated skin alligator in the river waters looked supremely menacing; with its gigantic teeth ready to pulverize innocent bones to chowder,

However the kingly fashion in which it slithered on the slippery mud; the agility with which it swam in water; left in my mind a lasting impression.


The rusty iron nail extruding from the mundane wall appeared disdainful and disparaging; with innumerable crusts of skin peeling of,

However the tenacity it exerted against the brick; its capacity to join pieces of

loose wood; left in my mind a lasting impression.


The pigeons soaring high in the clouds didn’t grab much attention; as they ubiquitously inhabited every nook and cranny of the globe,

However the dexterity with which they managed to stay airborne; their occasional bouts of melodious chirping; left in my mind a lasting impression.


The cars traversing the streets looked like robotic monsters polluting the air; with their wailing horns disrupting the stillness in the atmosphere,

However the swashbuckling speeds at which they traveled; the intricate imprints they left on wet mud; left in my mind a lasting impression.


The multiple hair broomstick lying solitary on the stony ground appeared full of remorse; with all those passing kicking it vehemently,

However the tones of dust it cleaned from cloistered interiors of the dilapidated room; the sparkling complexion that it imparted to the ordinary floor; left in my mind a lasting impression.


The bell hovering low from the dome shaped roof looked like it needed fresh coats of paint; partially obscuring the view of the omniscient Creator,

However the jingling sound it produced when struck; the mystical reverberation that occurred as an aftermath; left in my mind a lasting impression.


And scores of children I visited in the orphanages appeared quite bedraggled; with sticky mucus flowing rampantly from their eyes and ears,

Blatant streaks of dirt lining their faces; torn rags embellishing their impoverished demeanor, 

However the innocence in their immaculate eyes; the boisterousness in their voice; and their vigor to fight against all impediments; left in my mind a lasting impression.