Life = Death - Volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Every despairingly devastating darkness that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be an irrefutable way; victoriously leading you to the corridor of  optimistically scintillating brilliance, 


Every horrendously diabolical impediment that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be an unconquerable ray; blissfully unfurling into the

paradise of everlastingly blossoming prosperity, 


Every viciously traumatic whirlwind that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be an invincible messiah; insatiably propelling you on the path of magnificently tranquil euphoria, 


Every tyrannically debilitating disease that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be an impregnable elixir; ebulliently making you enjoy every instant of rhapsodically redolent life, 


Every stinkingly dilapidated gutter that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a reinvigorating garden; celestially inundating every aspect of your beleaguered life with insurmountably unending freshness, 


Every morbidly stony wall that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a resplendent sky; vibrantly enshrouding your haplessly shattered senses with bountiful timelessness, 


Every sardonically cynical abuse that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a unassailable fortress of solidarity; bestowing you with the tenacity to  perennially flower in the chapter of mystically replenishing existence, 


Every brutally savage kick that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be an unflinching path to blazing success; embracing each iota of your miserably dwindling existence; with overwhelmingly unsurpassable fortitude, 


Every satanic whirlpool of tears that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a waterfall of everlasting jubilation; perpetuating each of your drearily dolorous nerves with the; mantra of altruistic contentment, 


Every dungeon of horrifically salacious boredom that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a blanket of compassionately enthralling enthusiasm; becoming your most invaluably glorious asset to; soar high each instant of life, 


Every indiscriminately uncouth rejection that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be an astoundingly panoramic rainbow of triumph; with the

entire Universe saluting your; inherently benevolent prowess, 


Every coldblooded meal of stone that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a ravishingly eternal fruit of Nature’s euphoric creation; divinely pacifying your savagely frazzled demeanor, 


Every grotesquely ghastly distortion that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be an island of exhilarating charisma; blessing each of your barbarically anguished veins; with magically miraculous enchantment, 


Every sordidly frigid avalanche of ice that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a poignant entrenchment of amiable sharing; enlightening your life with the most gregariously sacrosanct religion of; eternal mankind, 


Every worthlessly devilish slap that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be an ocean of unassailable accolade; majestically rewarding you for your; intrepidly unstoppable and benign perseverance, 


Every ominously malicious hostility that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a gloriously marvelous dusk of victory; beamingly bequeathing upon you the never-dying spirit of; timeless survival, 


Every painstakingly feeble globule of sweat that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be the scent of astronomical courage; unequivocally escalating you into the clouds of; bloomingly unshakable success, 


Every disdainfully disgusting dirt that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a planet of irrevocable purity; beautifully cleansing every pore of your devastated countenance; with the profuse yearning to forever surge forward in life, 


Every lecherously abominable hatred that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a fountain of pricelessly unconquerable love; unbelievably caressing each invidiously corrupt element of your soul; with the sparkling goodness of creation, 


And every vindictively sullen corpse of death that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a divine sky of existence; making you immortally stand

up to the devil; and gloriously spawn once again; into a tale of mystically undefeated life.