Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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My top most priority was my God; who had bestowed upon me the power to exist and holistically fight for my survival on the surface of this earth,


The next to follow in my life was my Mother; who actually gave me birth; evolving me in the first place to be what I was; at this very second today,


The next to follow in my life was my beloved; who harnessed the true potential lying dormant in my mind for years; triggering me of to achieve unsurpassable realms

of success,


The next to follow in my life was my sister; with her innocuously mischievous grin; causing intense rejuvenation of my mind,


The next to follow in my life was my Godfather who played a pivotal role in providing his armory of experienced tips; whether I liked it or didn’t like it,


The next to follow in my life were my grandparents; whom I overwhelmingly adored; but at the same time the ones who tried to drown me into the ocean of their age

old and stringently mundane theories,


The next to follow in my life was my pet dog; who incessantly wagged its tail in ecstatic jubilation; the instant I entered my dwelling,


The next to follow in my life were my selective bunch of friends; who always supported me in my times of bizarre affliction and inexplicable distress,


The next to follow in my life was my tiny little hutment; appearing as an inconspicuous speck of dirt amidst the dense camouflage of trees; yet providing me

shelter to bear the ominous night,


The next to follow in my life were all the impeccably smiling children; whom I got a chance to encounter on the streets; and with whom I felt as if I had gone right back into my innocent childhood,


The next to follow in my life were all the birds perched on the grass laden meadows; enchanting me unrelentingly with their gorgeous singing,


The next to follow in my life were baby carrots sprouting in clusters in the perennial fields; which I merrily munched with gusto to placate my gluttony,


The next to follow in my life was the mesmerizing and boisterous river; in which I splashed indiscriminately and bathed my body for long hours in the morning,

The next to follow in my life were my sagacious teachers; who taught me to be prudent; judiciously execute every activity of living,


The next to follow in my life were all those who might have unknowingly crossed me on the path towards indefatigable struggle; illuminating my life with transient moments of laughter and joy,


The next to follow in my life was the infinite number of Poems I had embossed with my blood; which had imparted me insurmountable happiness as I metamorphosed each of my exotic dreams into reality,


The next to follow in my life was the century old deep well; from which I extracted pails of sparkling mineral water; to quench the insatiable thirst that tickled the burnt chords in my throat,


The next to follow in my life was my contemporary and ultra modern contraptions; the unfathomable perceptions I felt prey to every unveiling minute; to lead life like a king,


And the last of all priorities that followed in my life; was the modest bundles of currency stashed in my Bank account; and an inexorable urge to earn many more

of these; to thereby give concrete form to all my fantasies; as well as the fantasies of all those which needed to be desperately satisfied.