Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The inconspicuous little tadpoles kept fluttering their fins; hardly able to make any impact on the violent swirl of water,

While it was only the preposterously huge Blue Whale which gobbled all marine

life in vicinity; over-toppled the gargantuan ship; the instant it opened its jaw.


The diminutive stalks of grass swayed pretentiously; being mocked by the wind

every unfurling second; as they belted miserably under pressure,

While it was only the thick rooted tree; which not only bore the onslaught of

treacherous storm; but also granted loads of compassionate reprieve to the

frigid follicles.


The flames of the grandiloquent wax candle appeared insipid and weak; abysmally diminishing with the slightest draught of breeze leaking from the window,

While it was only the blistering fire that leapt high and handsome towards the

sky; charring everything that intermingled with its flow; blazing brilliantly in the darkness of the night.


The paltry spray of fountain was delectable to witness; although it subsided

completely when the tap was tightly shut,

While it was only the gigantic ocean with undulating waves that swelled and

rose; thunderously clashing with the uncouth chain of shining rocks.


The chirp of the sparrow was weak and fragile; hardly making an impact on

animate life prevailing in proximity,

While it was only the deafening roar of the majestic lion; that sent an everlasting echo through the entire jungle; put a standstill to all commotion; terrorizing philandering pranksters to the last bone of their spine.


The superficial string of bombs emitted clouds of frigid smoke after exploding; although they pathetically floundered in making any impact on the colossal structure,

While it was only the earthquake that devastated the entire city; sent mighty

buildings tumbling on the ground like a pack of plastic cards.


The fairy tale was embodied with a blend of flowery and disdainful spellings;

which were futile as they proved too frugal in tickling the mental imagery,

While it was only the comprehensive dictionary which encapsulated every word

spoken on the planet; that instantly triggered imagination and put the mind to

immediate work.


The effeminate whispers of the teachers; could hardly pacify the bustling

pandemonium in the classroom,

While it was only the stringent shout of the Principal that silenced them in

one shot; fomented infinite goose-bumps to creep up their skin.


And the Goldsmith banged his hammer thousands of times; but wasn’t able to

produce the most minuscule of indentation on the slab of frozen water,

While it was only when the rustic Barbarian thrashed the chunk with his heavy

axe; that the ice split into boundless splinters; and crystal water started

to painstakingly dribble down.