Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Even as I felt that I had sown seeds in my entire field; and felt waves of contentment wholesomely entrench my persona,

There was a corner of my mind which didn’t allow me to rest; reminding me of the barren lands nearby which were yet to ploughed.


Even as I felt that I had earned exorbitant amounts of wealth; inundating my treasury with infinite number of gold coins,

There was a corner of my mind which didn’t allow me to rest; reminding me that there were still countless number of people lying naked in the chilly cold; and who desperately needed my help.


Even as I felt that I had written unfathomable volumes of literature; simply didn’t need to emboss a single word further,

There was a corner of my mind which didn’t allow me to rest; reminding me that there were innocent roaming illiterate on the streets; who needed to be taught; who needed my help to learn and write.


Even as I felt that I had walked unsurpassable distance by foot; conquering astronomical peaks of all mountains towering higher than the clouds,

There was a corner of my mind which didn’t allow me to rest; reminding me that there were boundless boys and girls who were helplessly limp; and who needed my

assistance to help them to walk without sticks.


Even as I felt that I had consumed the best of food; had eaten every possible dish every existing or made in this world,

There was a corner of my mind which didn’t allow me to rest; reminding me that there were countless number of beggars crying hoarsely by the river side; starved to

unprecedented; and awaiting my presence frantically to be fed.


Even as I felt that I had worn the most gorgeous of fabric; adorned my persona in the most exquisite of attire found on this globe,

There was a corner of my mind which didn’t allow me to rest; reminding me that there were innumerable number of destitutes; hiding their flesh in embarrassment

from this uncouth world; and whose bodies were waiting all night and day; to be encompassed by my surplus cloth.


Even as I felt that I had gulped the most exotic of wine; drowned my body into unprecedented tremors of voluptuous excitement,

There was a corner of my mind which didn’t allow me to rest; reminding me of the millions of people scorching in the drought ridden desert; needed just few droplets

from my rivers overflowing with water.


Even as I felt that I had dated the girl of my dreams; eventually marrying her to bind us in the bonds of immortal romance,

There was a corner of my mind which didn’t allow me to rest; reminding me of the thousands of impoverished hearts; who were left stranded in solitude; and who

needed me to impregnate in them just fractions of my love.


And even as I felt that I had lived life to its fullest capacity; and now needed to die blending my breath blissfully with the Creator,

There was a corner of my mind which still didn’t allow me to rest; as there were unlimited numbers of children being born every second in each quarter of the globe; who were required to be fed with pearls of wisdom I had acquired in this lifetime; and who needed a pillar to support their nimble foundations which had just taken life.