Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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A thousand heads surged forward; whizzing at electric speeds past the assemblage of dense trees,


A thousand mouths heaved a sigh of relief; releasing tones of frustrated spit imprisoned inside,


A thousand fists punched free air; pounded the vibrant space around in unmatched exhilaration,


A thousand eyes glistened in happiness; oozing out tears of unsurpassable joy,


A thousand hearts throbbed thunderously; executing several beats at a time,


A thousand legs kicked gallons of loose mud; probed forward in unrelenting euphoria,


A thousand tongues swished in boisterous fervor; expressing tales of new found adventure,


A thousand lips opened in volatile fury; with exultating sounds of complete triumph reverberating loud and clear through the atmosphere,


A thousand watches ticked astoundingly fast; increasing their pace infinite times more than usual,


A thousand armpits diffused an ocean of sweat; with each droplet trickling down; merrily under the austere and blazing Sun,


A thousand fingers rose animatedly towards the heaven; thanking the Almighty lord in unanimous unison,


A thousand ears sprang up in stupendous arousal; regaining back their ability to trace the most minutest of sound; a thing which had relinquished for the last few minutes,


A thousand shirts suddenly started to flutter passionately; gaining momentum with each slap of vivacious breeze,


A thousand pair of hair stood up erect in alacrity on the scalp; with all the dreariness encompassing them; now disappearing into invisible wisps of oblivion,


A thousand bones commenced to dance in ecstatic jubilation; suddenly retrieving back their energy after long minutes of boring rest,

A thousand veins transported blood faster than the shark; augmenting its supply to the heart; thoroughly charged by the noise of unruly traffic and stridently

clanging horns,


A thousand bellows of smoke escalated ferociously towards the sky; as motion began once again with unprecedented ardor,


A thousand wheels gushed forward in uncontrollable anger and respite; as the accelerator was squeezed incorrigibly to its maximum limit,


And strangely but profoundly true; the reason for all the above pandemonium was an almost inconspicuous movement of the traffic bulb; which had just changed from red to green.