Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Till the time there was brilliant light; there existed the spell of gruesome darkness,


Till the time there was perennial happiness; there existed the blanket of dolorous sadness,


Till the time there was voluptuous wine drowning you into enchantment;

there existed stark starvation,


Till the time there was the swirling and vivacious ocean; there existed the scorching deserts,


Till the time there was the ravishing slice of pudding; there existed the blunt and disdainful mountain of stones,


Till the time there was unprecedented security and comfort; there existed

nefarious theft,


Till the time there were impeccable slabs of marble which were spotlessly clean; there existed the horrendous stains of grease,


Till the time there was the king seated on the supremely embellished throne; there existed his battalion of docile slaves,


Till the time there was a wave of ultra modernization circulating in this world; there existed indigenous and rustic tribes,


Till the time there was succulent flesh and mesmerizing fraternities of skin; there existed the morbid corpse lying buried beneath the coffin,


Till the time there was alacrity and unrelenting work under the sunshine; there existed blissful and spell binding sleep,


Till the time there was obstreperous sound and thunderous noise; there existed virtue of pin drop silence,


Till the time there were tantalizing droplets of rain cascading on the earth; there existed the fury of uncouth drought,


Till the time there were tenacious and fortified slabs of colossal timber lined up towards the heavens; there existed a series of pertinent gaps and holes,


Till the time there were fields of scintillating white fur encapsulating the countryside; there existed the obnoxiously black flow of the gutter,


Till the time there were exotic dreams revolving vividly through each strata of the mind; the power to fantasize escalated to its highest; there existed complete insanity and madness,


Till the time there was pure love impregnated wildly in each iota of the body; there existed blasphemous betrayal,


Till the time there was delectable taste arising on the buds of the rosy tongue; there existed pools of colorless saliva strewn pathetically on the streets,


And till the time there was moist breath descending down the nostrils; life going on in harmony with the Creator; there existed inevitable pain and absolute death.