Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Those who consider themselves to be highly creative; basking in the glory of their ingenious ideas; are infact never creative at all,


Those who consider themselves extremely intelligent; claiming to remember every thing ever embossed in the history books; are infact never intelligent at all,


Those who consider themselves to be valiantly brave; proclaiming to conquer every power on this earth; are infact never brave at all,


Those who consider themselves to be beautiful; the only angels traversing on this planet; are infact never beautiful at all,


Those who consider themselves to be tall; the most gigantic amongst any entity ever created; are infact never tall at all,


Those who consider themselves as shrewd and overwhelmingly tactful; are infact never tactful at all,


Those who consider themselves to be the most versatile musicians in this world; are infact never singers at all,


Those who consider themselves to be the best swimmers; bombastically announcing that they could trespass across the colossal belt of the ocean even in the most

tumultuous of storm; are infact never swimmers at all,


Those who consider themselves to be the most mesmerizing artists; able to sketch any form or shape better than God; are infact never artists at all,


Those who consider themselves to be great dancers; adept at performing every definable step under the Sun with stupendous mysticism and charm; are infact

never dancers at all,


Those who consider themselves to be unprecedentedly skilled surgeons; curing every wound visible by the mere caress of their palms; are infact never surgeons at all,


Those who consider themselves to be dynamic managers; adroitly maneuvering all the workforce with the inherent appeal and cadence in their voice; are infact

never managers at all,


Those who consider themselves to the most flawless of priests; sanctimoniously conveying to the globe about their prowess to communicate with God; are infact

never priests at all,

Those who consider themselves to be the most ferocious of hunters; able to capsize any animal into their custody by simply grabbing it at its throat; are infact never hunters at all,


Those who consider themselves to be great politicians; claiming to know every intricate nuance in the textbooks; harnessing the optimum benefits for their country; are infact never politicians at all,


Those who consider themselves to be the benign philanthropists of this society; advertising in every paper and street of how much they have helped mankind; are infact never philanthropists at all,


Those who consider themselves to be Oligarchic kings; royally seated on the throne and dispassionately  ruling their nation; are infact never kings at all,


Those who consider themselves as magicians of the highest degree; able to metamorphose every thing they touched into shimmering oysters and pearls; are infact never magicians at all,


Those who consider themselves to be super humans; having the ability to prognosticate what was going to happen at nightfall right at the commencement of the brilliant day; are infact never humans at all,


For who were you to consider yourself as anything; when infact; he being the Creator didn’t think of himself at all,


And if you still really perceive that you are something; then don’t just say it or keep considering; go out there and prove it; and then and only then give yourself a chance to reclaim the glory of your pretentiously spoken words.