Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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One moment I felt as if I was dismally sinking to the rock bottom of the fathomlessly deep ocean; while the very next instant God placed me in the captains cabin; on the opulently diamond studded ship,


One moment I felt as if I was not even able to remember my very own name; while the very next instant God made me the most ingenious Scientist ever born on this planet,


One moment I felt as if I was slowly losing my ability to sight; with the world seeming an obfuscated blur through my drearily batting lids; while the very next instant God made me a lanky beaked hawk; able to dive from astronomical heights; catch my succulent prey in a just single dip,


One moment I felt as if I was going to be brutally pulverized in the gruesome car accident; while the very next instant God placed me on the top most summit of the mountain; made me witness the entire world as a blissfully astounding paradise,


One moment I felt as if I was begging disdainfully on the appallingly shivering streets; while the very next instant God granted me a seat on the supremely embellished golden throne; made me the most invincible and worshipped king,


One moment I felt as if I was writhing miserably on the floor in thoroughly lost despair; while the very next instant God made me the impregnably towering fortress; which was simply unable to invade from any side,


One moment I felt as if I was starving without a droplet of water being visible till far and remote distances; while the very next instant God inundated my empty bowl with tantalizing morsels of food; pacified my scorching throat to an extent that it never felt thirsty all my life,


One moment I felt that I was being assaulted by a gang of viciously satanic demons; running like a matchstick through the desolate lanes of the city; while the very next instant God made me the president of the country; with a fleet of armed bodyguards following me like a shadow wherever I went,


One moment I felt that I was stuttering on every word that I spoke; was hardly able to complete a single sentence without pathetically floundering infinite number of times; while the very next instant God made me the best musician trespassing on this earth; mesmerizing millions with the magnetic charisma in my voice,


One moment I felt that I was stumbling embarrassingly at every step I took; while the very next instant God made me a handsome eagle soaring majestically through open blue sky; covering miles of territory on the trot; with a single wing flap of mine,


One moment I felt that I was going to use my thumb to sign all my documents; as I was transiting into blatantly illiterate; while the very next instant God bestowed upon me the prowess of evolving billions of lines of poetry in a single working day,


One moment I felt that I was swooning towards the obdurate ground after a deadly venomous sting; while the very next instant God deluged my life with sweet nectar; made me philander like a prince in an ocean of celestial honey,


One moment I felt that I was overwhelmed with mind boggling stress; would be crushed under the tyranny of monotonous routine which wouldn’t spare me the slightest; while the very next instant God blessed me with divinely sleep; swept away even the tiniest of my tension; like the Sun melts white ice,


One moment I felt that I would plummet inevitably into the valley as the brakes of my car abruptly failed; while the very next instant God made me walk without a scratch to my body out of the jammed door; while my automobile exploded into a fireball of pugnacious flames,


One moment I felt that I was shivering hysterically in inexplicable fever and horrendous disease; while the very next instant God made me the perennial waterfall; which delighted millions with its robustly cascading silvery froth,


One moment I felt that I was disappearing into oblivion; with my entity soon about to fade into an island of nothingness; while the very next instant God made me as tall as the boundlessly gargantuan sky; looming large over every other entity on the trajectory of this planet,


One moment I felt that I was crying indefatigably; there was nothing except tears in my uncouthly unpardonable life; while the very next instant God made me break into a battalion of flirtatious smiles; profusely lit up and triggered my life with everlasting happiness,


One moment I felt that I was losing all my power; the bulging muscle in my shoulder was evaporating into obsolete oblivion; while the very next instant God made me the strongest individual on this globe; possessing the supreme tenacity to scrap evil from its very slim and non-existent roots,


And one moment I felt that I was dying; on the brink of relinquishing passionate breath any unveiling second; while the very next instant God not only flooded my staggering lungs with unprecedented amounts of fresh air; but bequeathed upon me the power to exist beyond; past; present and future life.