It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate caverns of fantastically tantalizing and stupendously reinvigorating; “Beauty”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate clouds of rhapsodically enlightening and indefatigably unbridled; “Fantasy”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate sermons of pricelessly inimitable and insuperably emollient; “Humanity”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate sounds of unsurpassably unhindered and majestically embellished; “Creation”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate oceans of unceasingly undefeated and astoundingly proliferating; “Virility”,
Therefore; how dare you ever proclaim that the word “Nothingness”; was none but a fecklessly rotting gutter of insipidly cadaverous feces; how dare you ever proclaim that “Nothingness” was the sole cause of haplessly deteriorating extinction and death in the world today.
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate fields of eternally emancipating and timelessly bestowing; “Selflessness”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate dewdrops of spell bindinglyfructifying and jubilantly proliferating; “Freshness”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate lines of endlessly titillating and beautifully garnished; “Poetry”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate pathways of irrefutably unconquerable and handsomely ameliorating; “Truth”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate mirrors of wonderfully Omnipresent and ubiquitously embracing; “Righteousness”,
Therefore; how dare you ever proclaim that the word “Nothingness”; was none but an inconsequentially morbid ingredient of helplessness; how dare you ever proclaim that “Nothingness” was the sole cause of sacrilegiously wanton extinction and death in the world today.
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate yearning of symbiotically undefeated and holistically benign “Companionship”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate cradle of invincibly enlightening and triumphantly ecstatic; “Optimism”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate waves of fearlessly impregnable and gloriously altruistic ;“Martyrdom”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate petals of profusely utopian and unlimitedly blessing; “Euphoria”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate winds of irresistibly magnetic and inevitably extraordinary; “Attraction”,
Therefore; how dare you ever proclaim that the word “Nothingness”; was none but a non-existent of corpse of sadistically jinxed decay; how dare you ever proclaim that “Nothingness” was the sole cause of unforgivably murderous extinction and death
in the world today.
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate songs of iridescently ebullient and victoriously vivid; “Freedom”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate epitomes of spectacularly mesmerizing and indomitably unfettered; “Courage”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate shapes of timelessly enthralling and fabulously royal; “Creativity”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate foundations of bountifully consecrating and undauntedly unshakable; “Honesty”,
It was out of sheer “Nothingness”; that there arose the most ultimate beats of immortally fragrant and perennially bonding; “Love”,
Therefore; how dare you ever proclaim that the word “Nothingness”; was none but a fugitively deserted oblivion of insane treachery; how dare you ever proclaim that “Nothingness” was the sole cause of flagrantly crucifying extinction and death in the
world today.