Life = Death - Volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I can’t believe that there were eyes more beautiful than yours in this entire Universe; the poignant empathy they bestowed on every soul they glimpsed,

And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.


I can’t believe that there were hair more ravishing than yours in this entire Universe; the voluptuously satin caress they radiated; as they vivaciously swished,

And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.


I can’t believe that there were lips more enchanting than yours in this entire Universe; the amicable smile that incarcerated the most remotest of alien in their

compassionate swirl,

And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.


I can’t believe that there were palms more mystical than yours in this entire Universe; the labyrinth of irrefutably determined lines that entirely enveloped your flawless skin,

And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.


I can’t believe that there were footprints more perpetual than yours in this entire Universe; the embodiments of priceless solidarity they left on every path they resolutely tread,

And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.


I can’t believe that there were expressions more effusive than yours in this entire Universe; the boisterous ardor they embedded in one and all; imparting life at the very tenterhooks of extinction,

And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.


I can’t believe that there were breaths more passionate than yours in this entire Universe; the immortal virtue with which they metamorphosed lifeless souls beneath the corpse to blissfully alive,

And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.


I can’t believe that there were beats more romantic than yours in this entire Universe; the unrelenting tenacity with which your heart palpitated; solely for the person

it loved,

And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.


And I can’t believe that there was a life more fulfilling than yours in this entire Universe; devoting each of its unfurling seconds to the philanthropically uninhibited service of dwindling mankind,

And if there was indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.