Life = Death - Volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Because it was torrentially raining from fathomless carpets of crimson sky; I was flamboyantly ecstatic; surging forward many a continent; with unprecedented euphoria in my veins,


Because the Sun was brilliantly shimmering; I was full and profound with dazzling enlightenment; to optimistically lead each instant of vivaciously blissful life,


Because the nightingale was melodiously singing; I felt besieged with whirlwinds of tantalizing enchantment; profusely reinvigorating every iota of my beleaguered countenance; with the celestial cadence in the atmosphere,


Because the ocean was ravishingly undulating; I felt philandering on the most exhilarating expedition of my life; handsomely kissing all benign goodness

uninhibitedly wandering around; with the fervor of an ebulliently untamed prince,


Because the sheep were innocuously chewing grass on the velvety meadows; I felt as if immaculately bouncing through the turnstiles of supreme innocence; harmoniously assimilating all philanthropic graciousness prevalent on this bountiful planet,


Because the kite was soaring majestically through the silken clouds; I felt unequivocally bereft of even the most infinitesimal of tensions in murderously

manipulative life; euphorically galloping forward to embrace the winds of astounding mysticism,


Because perennial rivers of holistic honey dribbled delectably from the hive; I felt like an unassailably priceless prince; romantically enshrouding every cranny of my devastated persona; with fireballs of compassionate yearning,


Because the wind swept the panoramic landscape in tumultuous torrents; I felt unfathomably rhapsodic; boisterously leaping like a new born child; nostalgically reminiscing the most gloriously scintillating moments of my impoverished life,


Because streaks of poignant lightening vividly bludgeoned the misty sky; I felt unsurpassable waves of dynamic patriotism prolifically enshroud my demeanor from all sides; propelling me to relinquish every breath of mine; for the sake of my sacrosanct motherland,


Because the squirrels were fervently bustling through the gregarious kaleidoscope of vibrantly rustling trees; I felt as if existence was endless; chalking my very own path to survive; on every step that I tread,


Because the lions were thunderously roaring; I felt valiantly encapsulated by a wind of unflinching charisma; indefatigably blazing my way forward; on the path of eternal righteousness,


Because the dewdrops were romantically glimmering in the ethereal morning light; I felt like an illuminating beam of fortitude; magnanimously infiltrating into every dwelling entrenched with horrendously inexplicable despair,


Because unconquerably voluptuous scent wafted from the garden of stupendously blossoming roses; I felt as if even the most inconspicuous of misery had wholesomely

vanquished from my life; freshly embarking on a trail of gorgeously spell binding newness,


Because the Moon flirted resplendently in the firmament of aristocratic sky; I felt profusely drowned in an enigmatic reservoir of milky fantasy; enthralling every pore of my dead flesh; with the incomprehensible titillation of the starry night,


Because the lids mischievously winked with the beautifully setting Sun; I felt overwhelmingly seduced by nubile maidens whistling in rapturous delight; bequeathing a countless more lives of mine; at their mysteriously pristine feet,


Because my newly born child wailed in immaculately Godly unison; I felt as if the most grandiloquently richest organism alive; marvelously condoning even the most vociferously pertinent of my enemies; yet alive,


Because the shadows inscrutably lengthened with the rampantly fading light; I felt indefatigably stumbling upon a path of innovatively ingenious intrigue; fabulously whispering the innermost desires of my soul; to the radiantly silent leaves,


Because my mother incessantly kept me close to her divinely bosom; I felt the most invincibly blessed man on this gigantic planet; taking birth for times immemorial; only in the impregnable walls of her heavenly womb,


And because the thunderbolts of immortal love perpetually perpetuated into the corridors of my passionately palpitating heart; I felt as if synergistically breathing till beyond the realms of wonderful eternity; felt as if death could not even make the slightest dent on me; and forever alive.