Life = Death - Volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world kicked me brutally on my hindside; for ostensibly not the slightest fault of mine,

Infact I harbored insurmountable pride in my eyes; that you profusely loved every element of my impoverished persona; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.


I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world satanically lambasted me with swords of bizarre commercialism; ruthlessly ripping apart my art into a countless pieces of infinitesimal ash,

Infact I felt it an irrefutably astronomical honor; that you marvelously enlightened me with your spell binding voice every unfurling minute; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless

more births of mine.


I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world tyrannically spat upon my hideously exacerbated wounds; stabbed my enchanting existence with austere chains of monotonous manipulation and malice,

Infact I felt perpetually gratified and stupendously contented; that you cast your spell of Omniscient righteousness upon my devastated conscience; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.


I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world never could comprehend the sensitive poet in my poignantly crimson veins; heinously snubbed my artistry as threadbare pieces of meaninglessly worthless and insanely languid shit,

Infact I felt the most blessed organism existing on this colossal Universe; as you unassailably embossed my impression upon the royal canvas of your soul; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for

boundless more births of mine.


I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world used me as a inconsequentially canister for disposing their mountain of spuriously bombastic sweat; ludicrously jeered me to the most unprecedented limits; for the most scintillatingly perfect stride of mine,

Infact I perceived myself to be the richest person breathing and exuberantly alive; as you perennially longed to compassionately caress me with your divinely palms; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.


I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world barbarically annihilated even the most tiniest of my rudiments; penalized me more than the cross of Christ; for adulterating their conventionally stringent fabric; with my whirlpools of

blissful fantasy,

Infact I encountered bountiful paradise on every step that I alighted; as your celestial fragrance impregnably descended in torrential frenzy down my nape; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for

boundless more births of mine.


I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world chopped me into an infinite pieces of raw chowder; hung my hide upside down to eternally protect their dwellings stuffed with; capricious ostentation,

Infact I profoundly relished the most invincibly grandiloquent fruits of creation; as you philanthropically stared and admired every hidden attribute of my demeanor; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.


I was really not upset the slightest about the fact; that the entire world acridly abused me for solely following the innermost voices of my heart; thrashed me like an orphaned bundle of frigidly insipid dust to the walls of horrendously diabolical oblivion,

Infact I felt like the most formidably ecstatic force on this Universe; as you wholesomely engulfed me in your unconquerably celestial shadow; immortally

accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine .


And I was really not upset the slightest about the fact that; the entire world exhaled each of their breaths more vociferously; just in order that I perpetually vanish into fragile wisps of baseless extinction; and treacherously die,

Infact I felt myself gloriously proliferating into a blissful planet of astounding newness every instant; as you bonded each passionate beat of your heart forever with mine; immortally accepted me in mind; body and holistic spirit; for whatever I veritably was; and for boundless more births of mine.