Life = Death - Volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely threadbare and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this fathomless Universe;

were the sermons of truthfulness that you selflessly disseminated; till the time you were holistically alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely balderdash and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this boundless Universe; were the rays of righteously unparalleled optimism that you ignited on every step that you tread; till the time you were symbiotically alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely nonsensical and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this incomprehensible Universe; were the pathways of egalitarian justice that you insuperably ensured; till

the time you were blissfully alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely salacious and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this limitless Universe; was

the celestial instinct to live and let live that you ubiquitously preached; till the time you were unabashedly alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely rubbish and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this gregarious Universe;

were the seeds of majestically virile proliferation that you sowed; till the time you were unassailably alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely evanescent and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this unceasing Universe; was

the bond of philanthropically compassionate friendship that you interminably spread; till the time you were royally alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely lugubrious and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this spell binding Universe;

were the hymns of mellifluously emancipating piousness that you sing; till the time you were bounteously alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely morbid and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this triumphant Universe; was the tirelessly augmenting empathy in your eyes for every caste; creed; fraternity of living; till the time you were vivaciously alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely decrepit and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this astounding Universe;

were the pathways of unflinchingly fearless humanity that you pave; till the time you were redolently alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely foolhardy and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this heavenly Universe; was

the magic of benign togetherness that you invincibly hissed; till the time you were unconquerably alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely crippling and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this unfettered Universe;

were those indomitably subliming smiles from your lips in good times and bad; till the time you were beautifully alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely debasing and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this gigantic Universe; were

those swords of impregnable truth that you used to assassinate the ruthlessly blasphemous devil; till the time you were jubilantly alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely pulverizing and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this unfathomable

Universe; were those enamoring words/symbols/drawings of immortal love that you’d so inimitably sketched; till the time you were undefeatedly alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely feckless and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this spectacular Universe;

were those pearls of priceless enlightenment that you’d bestowed upon countless haplessly deprived; till the time you were indisputably alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite was entirely baseless and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this resplendent Universe;

was the mirror of divine righteousness that reflected from even the most obfuscated cranny of your shadow; till the time you were fantastically alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely useless and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this unending Universe; was

the foundation of fragrantly undying perseverance that you built; till the time you were handsomely alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely tawdry and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this everlasting Universe;

was that you timelessly followed the innermost tunes of your heart for the betterment of all mankind; till the time you were iridescently alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely hopeless and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this mesmerizing Universe;

was the innumerable orphans that you serenaded and accepted as a quintessential ingredient of your very own family; till the time you were poignantly alive.


Whether you breathed till “1” or till “Infinite” was entirely purposeless and inconsequential; what mattered above everything else on this ever-pervading

Universe; were the countless hearts which you endlessly united in the threads of Immortally Omnipresent love; till the time you were magnificently alive.