You might say that alphabet “I”singularly by itself; was disgustingly conceited; and brought alongwith it; only a dungeon of haplessly asphyxiating doom,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was chauvinistically male; and brought alongwith it; only a maelstrom of pessimistically demented energy,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was devastatingly deteriorating; and brought alongwith it; only a gutter of ignominiously fetid malevolence,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was atrociously invidious; and brought alongwith it; only a mortuary of indiscriminately ghastly meaninglessness,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was vindictively obstreperous; and brought alongwith it; only a coffin of despairingly treacherous defeat,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was drearily egocentric; and brought alongwith it; only a nightfall of never endingly maiming blackness,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was intolerably blasphemous; and brought alongwith it; only a fecklessly oblivious vacuum of ungainly remorsefulness,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was robotically insane; and brought alongwith it; only a holocaust of indelibly ribald obsessiveness,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was demonically perverted; and brought alongwith it; only a jailhouse of treacherously massacring madness,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was tyrannically lambasting; and brought alongwith it; only a carcass of ominously demeaning expletives,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was cadaverously foul some; and brought alongwith it; only tears of inexplicably assassinating gloom,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was lethally crucifying; and brought alongwith it; only a graveyard of doggedly unbearable stench,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was hedonistically slandering; and brought alongwith it; only a preposterously gory shadow of disdain,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was agonizingly incarcerating; and brought alongwith it; only a dust storm of profanely decrepit rebelliousness,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was pugnaciously disconcerting; and brought alongwith it; only a haplessly excoriating bed of venomous thorns,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was preposterously ludicrous; and brought alongwith it; only falsely sycophantic winds of wretched wantonness,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was devilishly beheading; and brought alongwith it; only the footsteps of licentiously whipping hell,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was inconspicuously imbecile; and brought alongwith it; only the cancerous blisters of hopelessly disparaging extinction,
You might say that alphabet “I” singularly by itself; was unacceptably dictatorial; and brought alongwith it; only the ghosts of sinfully plundering selfishness,
But have you ever wondered; that unless and until you don’t endlessly love your ownself; unless and until you don’t commence to timelessly admire every facet of
your divinely blessed existence; unless and until you don’t unflinchingly worship the “I” in your very ownself; how can you ever dream of loving and wholesomely embracing others; how can you ever dream of reaching out to and immortally bonding with every echelon of bountiful living kind?
Because for you to dream of; or ever dare of becoming the united “We”; you inevitably needed to start first with your very own self; you inevitably needed to
start with the Godly alphabet “I”.