Life = Death - Volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The whole world clung to you invincibly when you were prosperous; standing tall in due adulation; of even your most diminutively capricious of achievement,

But the one who unflinchingly supported you when you were dithering towards the corridors of horrendous extinction; was irrefutably; your only and



The whole world clung to you unassailably when you were bloomingly beautiful; enchantingly devouring even the most ethereal sound that you; painstakingly

emanated from your mouth,

But the one who impregnably supported you when you were disastrously penurious and withering towards a gory end; was irrefutably; your only and BEST FRIEND.


The whole world clung to you when you were redolently blissful; basking profusely in the glory of; even the most infinitesimal of your drifting senses,

But the one who uninhibitedly supported you when the society maliciously poisoned each of your precious moment; was irrefutably; your only and BEST FRIEND.


The whole world clung to you when you were inundated with an unsurpassable ocean of gold and silver; overwhelmingly appreciating even the most tiniest speck of currency; that you whisked far away from your; bohemian palms,

But the one who formidably supported you when each part of your persona was brutally incarcerated in cloudbursts of devastatingly deadly disease; was irrefutably; your only and BEST FRIEND.


The whole world clung to you when you were rhapsodically ecstatic and unconquerably looming large over the planet; unfathomably willing to relinquish

their breath; at even the most inaudible of your commands,

But the one who unequivocally supported you when there wasn’t a roof to exist above your head nor an iota of cloth upon your pathetically shivering visage; was

irrefutably; your only and BEST FRIEND.


The whole world clung to you when you were incomprehensibly powerful; insatiably yearning to have a glimpse of even the most oblivious of your divinely gestures,

But the one who indefatigably supported you when the entire Universe around   was savagely sucking your blood; was irrefutably; your only and BEST FRIEND.


The whole world clung to you when you were ebulliently bouncing in the aisles of paradise; profusely saluting even the most insipidly lugubrious jewel that you

flung nonchalantly on threadbare soil,

But the one who perpetually supported you when daggerheads of maniacal depression obsessively asphyxiated you from all sides; was irrefutably; your

only and BEST FRIEND.

The whole world clung to you when you were the King of this Universe; intransigently dying to hear even the most ridiculous cadence of your despicably dwindling voice,

But the one who immutably supported you when your philanthropic philosophies were pulverized to raw shit by the monotonous society; was irrefutably; your only and BEST FRIEND.


And the whole world clung to you when you were flamboyantly breathing passionately everlasting fire and disseminating majestically immortal love on every

step; clapping at even the most squeamish saliva that you spat with; languid nonchalance,

But the one who inspiringly supported you when the tyranny of fate had engendered you to plunge into the valley of treacherous death; was irrefutably; your only and BEST FRIEND.