Life = Death - Volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The treacherously obsolete yesterday I had wholesomely forgotten; with even the most infinitesimal of its vapid impression dissolving into aisles of frigid nothingness,

What was going to happen today I had not the tiniest of innuendo about; groping into the mercilessly coldblooded darkness when I pondered upon the same,

Tomorrow was a tantalizing mirage; which kept eluding my invincible grasp more and more; as I tried to indefatigably snatch it,

But nevertheless I was still the unparalleled king of the current moment; rejoicing in its untamed glory to the most unprecedented limits; letting its bountiful majesty take complete control of every of my beleaguered vein.


The disastrously delirious yesterday had wholesomely evaporated from my life; with not even the most vehemently indignant of its maelstroms daring to come near me,

What was going to happen today I had not the most ephemeral insinuation about; shattering into boundless fragments of meaninglessness when I tried to tirelessly envisage about the same,

Tomorrow was a fathomlessly distant dream; about whose veritable reality I

couldn’t figure out head or spuriously withering tail,

But nevertheless I was still the unassailable king of the current moment; letting its unsurpassable enchantment celestially descend upon even the most diminutive cranny of my mind; body and quavering soul.


The truculently chauvinistic yesterday had completely deserted the chapter

of my life; with not even the most evanescent of its jinxed beam; reminiscent in the whites of my eyes,

What was going to happen today I had not the most capricious idea about; being banged like a haplessly disoriented coconut against the walls of diabolical hell; when I tried to flex my brain a trifle too much about it,

Tomorrow seemed to stretch beyond the realms of my molecular imagination;

with the fangs of viciously bellicose uncertainty perpetuating me from all sides,

But nevertheless I was still the uninhibited king of the current moment; letting its pragmatically panoramic beauty; entirely become the royally seductive veil of my horrendously tyrannized existence.


The baselessly crucifying yesterday had entirely abdicated my nimble presence; extinguishing into worthless horizons of irretrievably reproachful oblivion,

What was going to happen today I had not the most mercurial of gut feeling

about; being ruthlessly buried alive in coffins of intractable desperation; as I tried to valiantly decipher its ingredients of good and forlornly bad,

Tomorrow had still marathon hours to take irrefutably unshakable control; with a zillion murderous barricades yet to overcome,

But nevertheless I was still the limitless king of the current moment; letting its magnetically divine energy instill optimistically benign energy in my delinquent bones; to lead a countless more symbiotic lives.


The morbidly penalizing yesterday seemed gone since times immemorial; with

the first rays of Omnipotently brilliant dawn; transcending over even the most non-existent speck of the egregiously rampaging devil,

What was going to happen today I had not the most ethereal of understanding

about; being dissolved into mortuaries of hopeless insanity; when I tried to unambiguously picture the next hour from now,

Tomorrow seemed like it would never come; with the deplorable conundrum of

murderous manipulation and politics around me; engendering me to frenetically search for my every breath,

But nevertheless I was still the inimitable king of the current moment; letting its philanthropically synergistic heavenliness; beautifully coalesce each of my senses with the mantra of wonderfully egalitarian mankind; with the spirit of the Ever-Pervading; Divine.