Life = Death - Volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Have your ears wholesomely relinquished  every of their ability; to listen to even the most thunderously roaring and passionately ignited of sounds?


Have your lips wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to stretch into even the most infinitesimal of redolently enamoring and blissfully synergistic smiles?


Have your feet wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to crawl even a decrepit inch forward; on the most irrefutably solid of land trajectory?


Has your brain wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to react to even the most treacherously hedonistic of circumstance satanically unfurling right infront of your eyes; ready to pulverize you for the remainder of your life,


Have your fingers wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to feel even the most explicitly pronounced of shapes and forms; indefatigably floating and residing in the fabric of the eternal atmosphere?


Has your skin wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to experience the most ardently uncontrollable sensations of panoramic pleasure and

demonically annihilating of pain?


Have your bones wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to budge even a fraction forward in self defense; in order to sequester you from the most ominously sacrilegious of massacring devils?


Have your eyes wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to sight even an evanescent inch forward; even though the next step you alighted could irretrievably lead you to the gorge of morbidly silencing death?


Have your shoulders wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to hoist even an ethereally diminishing of worthless feather; an invisibly amorphous particle sulking remorsefully in the atmosphere?


Has your blood wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to liberate into even the most obliviously slavering puddle of royally unfettered passion?


Has your stomach wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to digest even a singleton ounce of quintessential food and water; in order to symbiotically sustain the chapter of inscrutably endowing life?


Has your neck wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to turn even an ethereal fraction to the most vociferously unstoppable and truculently anguished cry on the soil of this fathomlessly bountiful Universe?


Have your teeth wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to holistically  masticate even the most succulently savoring fruits of synergistically ever-pervading and vividly infallible mother-nature?


Have your palms wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to hold even the most ephemerally dying shadows of the people they timelessly adored; loved and possessed?


Have your cheeks wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to blush into even the most tiniest shades of unadulterated crimson; at the most mortifyingly realistic thunderstorms of sensitivity undauntedly caressing them?


Has your identity wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to potently procreate even a parsimoniously fragile living being; of its very own virile kind?


Have your nostrils wholesomely relinquished every of their ability; to discern between even the most inimitably nonplussing scents of vibrantly ecstatic life and ghoulishly forlorn blood?


Has your heart wholesomely relinquished every of its ability; to throb even an infidel fraction; although the ambience in which it triumphantly prevailed; was perennially charged with the unconquerable electricity of love?


If the answer to the above is “Yes”; then I’d still urge you to unceasingly surge forward by the grace of the Omniscient Almighty God; to embrace every echelon of tyrannized living kind; in your timelessly and insuperably victorious

humanitarian swirl,


And if the answer to the above is a “Big No”; then be immediately and irrevocably prepared for the most diabolical of hell; as the Lord had bestowed upon you  effulgent life only to “Live and Let Live”; only to bond every beat of your immortal heart with every traumatized element of living kind; only  to wholeheartedly serve all estranged humanity till your very last breath; only to eternally share the infinite gifts of his Omnipotent Creation with each of his disciples; and not just to simply and

worthlessly “Live”