Life = Death - Volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Stones are lackadaisically worthless, 

Gutters are preposterously baseless, 

Greed is invidiously senseless, 

Depression is devastatingly meaningless, 

Mania’s are obsessively weightless, 

Enmity is salaciously bottomless, 

Traitors are treacherously groundless, 

Stagnation is venomously valueless, 

Diabolism is vindictively useless, 

Manipulation is hideously profitless, 

Emptiness is ominously fruitless, 

Ghosts are disconcertingly hopeless, 

Frigidity is inevitably hapless, 

Boredom is lethally purposeless, 

Death is despairingly motionless, 

Cowardice is ludicrously skulless, 

Infidelity is pathetically pointless, 

Oceans are bountifully fathomless, 

Lies are maliciously soundless, 

Fantasies are unrelentingly boundless, 

Tangible are rhapsodically countless, 

Expressions are poignantly dateless, 

Lechery is disastrously voiceless, 

Beggars are ridiculously gutless, 

Sleazy are bombastically strapless, 

Adventurous are exhilaratingly shoeless, 

Orphaned are deplorably houseless, 

Benevolence is perennially timeless, 

Murderers are laughably spineless, 

Excitement is incomprehensibly numberless, 

Awestruck are unbelievingly speechless, 

Imprisoned are brutally expressionless, 

Compassion is irrefutably wordless, 

Butchers are satanically soulless, 

Deserts are ditheringly treeless, 

Corpses are insidiously passionless,  

Indigenous are rustically mannerless, 

Dungeons are insanely windless, 

Feathers are fantastically noiseless, 

Nonchalant are parsimoniously listless, 

Innocent are harmoniously creaseless, 

Clouds are inscrutably ceaseless, 

Vegetables are celestially boneless, 

Terrorists are bizarrely bloodless, 

Parasites are staggeringly breathless, 

Corruptive are mockingly spiritless, 

Dissatisfied are overwhelming restless, 

Insipid are invasively rimless, 

Doleful are drearily cordless, 

Maniacal are profusely airless, 

Waterfalls are blissfully hairless, 

Silken are immaculately seamless, 

Monotonous are turgidly dreamless, 

Graveyards are stinkingly toothless, 

Blood-sucking are incorrigibly motherless, 

Absolution is divinely painless, 

Nothingness is indolently aimless, 

Pompous are indigently shameless, 

Sewers are immutably nameless, 

Pigs are greedily brainless, 

Assassins are indispensably fatherless, 

Vandals are horrifically flowerless, 

Cockroaches are disgustingly tuneless, 

Philanthropists are unequivocally taintless, 

Pretentious are horrendously cultureless, 

Gloom is inexplicably colorless, 

Skies are unfathomably limitless, 

Demons are insidiously starless, 

Barbaric are despondently seedless, 

Prejudiced are ignominiously friendless, 

Relationships are impregnably measureless, 

Depression is tyrannically lusterless, 

Capricious are staggeringly careless, 

Tornado’s are tumultuously gearless, 

Afternoons are swelteringly moonless, 

Honesty is irrefutably stainless, 

Malicious are impoverishedly armless, 

Birds are ecstatically footless, 

Fairies are ravishingly beardless, 

Impeachment is grotesquely faceless, 

Entrepreneurs are intrepidly fearless, 

Logs are obdurately foamless, 

Enigmas are tantalizingly keyless, 

Horizons are obliviously clueless, 

Hollowness is penalizingly handless, 

Dishonest are insatiably penniless, 

Lazy are waveringly jobless,  

Hell is torturously heartless, 

Nature is flirtatiously wireless, 

Shadows are diminutively powerless, 

Blood-thirsty are wholesomely artless, 

Destinies are waveringly mapless, 

Dare-devils are snobbishly wreckless, 

Pragmatic are prudently cloudless, 

Cursed are lamely childless, 

Infants are perpetually faultless, 


And love is immortally priceless.