Life = Death - Volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Everytime the flowers blossomed into petals of newness; perpetuating even the most inconspicuous bit of atmosphere with unbelievably redolent cheer,


Everytime the Sun rose for the first time in fathomless sky; miraculously enlightening even the  most lugubriously stagnating cranny of this Universe; with its resplendently golden freshness,


Everytime the nightingale mellifluously sang to the beats of the fresh monsoon; fantastically rejuvenating even the most ghoulishly deadened skeletons; from

their morbid graves,


Everytime the Moon mischievously played hide-n-seek between the fabric of sensuous clouds; majestically enamoring every ingredient of the abjectly sultry

night; with heavenly milkiness,


I felt as if you were in every breath that I wonderfully inhaled into my lungs; Omnipotently nourishing every pore of my body for an infinite more lives of mine; although you’d abdicated your physical form a countless years ago; and

veritably disappeared and  died.




Everytime the first droplets of virgin rain pelted in uninhibitedly torrential frenzy from crimson sky; celestially mollifying every beleaguered particle of hoarsely wailing soil,


Everytime harmoniously iridescent globules of amber dew danced in the meadows; with the stalks of untamed grass; tantalizing every trace of lifelessness till

times beyond infinite infinity,


Everytime the voice of eternally unflinching truth; perpetually transcended over each corpse of derogatory abhorrence and parasitically treacherous lies,


Everytime vividly royal wind; peerlessly paraded undaunted by anything tangible or intangible on the trajectory of this boundlessly burgeoning Universe,


I felt as if you were in every fantasy that I magically conceived in my brain; Omnisciently blessing my existence as the most priceless; for an infinite more lives of mine; although you’d abdicated your physical form a countless years ago; and  veritably disappeared and died.




Everytime the mountains towered unassailably towards the unsurpassably endless cosmos; overtopping even the most mercurial trace of devil forever and ever and



Everytime the seed spawned into profoundly subliming newness above soil; tirelessly striving to continue God’s chapter of everlasting procreation,


Everytime the peacock unveiled its feathers to a vivaciously full plumage; spell-bindingly enticing even the most drearily forlorn entity; in its redolently effulgent swirl,


Everytime the poignantly undulating waves handsomely kissed the skies; diffusing a galaxy of inimitable freshness; into every monotonously castrated continent of the globe,


I felt as if you were in every object that my palms compassionately caressed; insuperably drifting me towards symbiotically panoramic goodness; although you’d abdicated your physical form a countless years ago; and veritably disappeared and died.




Everytime the religion of humanity reigned unconquerably supreme; wafting its pricelessly unmatched fragrance over every spurious discrimination of color;

caste and castigated creed,


Everytime the very first cries of the infant ardently embraced the atmosphere; with the mantra of undefeatable innocuousness uniting every haplessly tyrannized soul on this bizarrely estranged Universe,


Everytime true lovers perennially bonded into the threads of invincibly sacrosanct marriage; synergistically fructifying into a paradise of triumphantly untainted virility,


Everytime the earth was born once again; after unstoppably winning an infinite battles against the vituperatively pulverizing devil; letting the spirit of indomitable philanthropism timelessly prevail,


I felt as if you were in every immortally unshakable beat that my heart throbbed; unlimitedly bonding me with the winds of ubiquitous unity and selfless love; although you’d abdicated your physical form a countless years ago; and veritably disappeared and died.