Life = Death - volume 10 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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How was the air ever related to me in even the most insouciant of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that my diminutive lungs; existed as the most royally embellished throne for centuries immemorial,


How was the Sun ever related to me in even the most transient of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that not a whisker of negativity lingered; for an infinite kilometers near my stride,


How was the earth ever related to me in even the most penurious of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that I replenished my emaciated stomach with its appetizing fruits; invincibly slept on its compassionate belly,


How were the stars ever related to me in even the most obfuscated of manner; yet they perpetually ensured that I was unsurpassably inspired and led to the best direction; even in the incarcerating blackness of midnight,


How were the roses ever related to me in even the most oblivious of manner; yet they perpetually ensured that I inhaled the scent of victorious heaven; on this very  monotonous brick city of earth today,


How was the ocean ever related to me in even the most evanescent of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that each element of my impoverished existence; was majestically replenished with the spirit of tangy adventure,


How was the sky ever related to me in even the most infidel of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that every ingredient of my brain could unlimitedly fantasize; merely gazing at its azure infiniteness,


How was the tree ever related to me in even the most ephemeral of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that every morbidly restless nerve of mine; found celestial reprieve in its compassionately befriending shade,


How was the grass ever related to me in even the most lackadaisical of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that every step that my foot traversed; would be amiably welcomed by a cushion of profoundly undefeated velvetiness,


How was the rain ever related to me in even the most fugitive of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that every famished pore of my divested skin; was unconquerably rejuvenated with the freshness of exotic creation,


How were the horizons ever related to me in even the most disappearing of manner; yet they perpetually ensured that I was triggered to imagine beyond the realms of the ordinary; for a countless more lives yet to come,


How were the deserts ever related to me in even the most deteriorating of manner; yet they perpetually ensured that my eyes were treated to the enigmatic vastness of the Lord's creation; the most astoundingly mouth-watering mirages of all times,


How was the rainbow ever related to me in even the most invisible of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that there palpitated innovation galore; in every beat of my feebly throbbing heart,


How was the Moon ever related to me in even the most cloistered of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that the milkiness of innocuous childhood; always zipped past through every of my estranged vein,


How was the forest ever related to me in even the most nonchalant of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that the innumerable sensitivities and forms of mother nature; inscrutably lingered in my soul,


How was the fog ever related to me in even the most evaporating of manner; yet it perpetually ensured that each of my robotically insensitized nerves; were liberated by the exultation of the  wondrously enamoring mist,


How were the mountains ever related to me in even the most sequestered of manner; yet they perpetually ensured that every infirm and shivering bone of mine; was insuperably safe-guarded; against the deadliest of devil's attack,


How were the dewdrops ever related to me in even the most retractable of manner; yet they perpetually ensured that every curve of malicious depression on my face; metamorphosed into a gorge of unshakably miraculous newness,


And you; who were infact my very own blood relations; my very own brothers; sisters; father; mother; grandfather; grandmother; wife; children; uncle's and aunts;  abandoned me when I needed to share my heart out with you; abandoned me when I sought comfort in your souls; abandoned me when I was a failure in my quest for success; disastrously abandoned me when I needed you the most?