Life = Death - volume 10 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Just when we'd completed the most immortally blessing kiss of all times; with our insatiably crimson lips; now profusely oozing cloudbursts of unparalleled passion,


Just when we'd completed the most sensuously tantalizing chase of all times; with our enigmatically aroused skin pores now desiring nothing else but the untamed smooch of our lips,


Just when we'd completed the most thunderously igniting caress of all times; with our arms now wanting to altruistically relinquish everything worldly around; to forever unite in the spirit of invincible oneness,


Just when we'd completed the most mellifluously romantic songs of all times; with our throats now voicing the innermost tunes of our enamoring soul; without moving even an infinitesimal fraction,


Just when we'd completed the most heart-to-heart discussions of all times; with our forms now desiring nothing else but celestial rest; for an infinite more destined lifetimes,


Just when we'd completed the most symbiotically shared meals of all times; with our bloodstreams now eternally united in the strings of miraculously ameliorating humanity,


Just when we'd completed the most boundlessly bewitching fantasizing of all times; with our brains now fully comprehending each other in every tangible and intangibly cognizable shape; situation; color and form,


Just when we'd completed the most ravishingly unbridled explorations of all times; with our fingers now wanting to solely intertwine in the best of friendship on this earth—that eventually led to the gates of ultimate paradise,


Just when we'd completed the most euphorically mollifying victories of all times; with our spirits now yearning to only see- the devil being unsparingly torched to the last bone of its fecklessly frigid spine,


Just when we'd completed the most spell-bindingly fiery dance of all times; with our muscles and bones now only fervently yearning—to wholesomely surrender to every stroke of destiny and unleashing time,


Just when we'd completed the most wholeheartedly untamed guffaw of all times; with our jaws now wanting to do nothing else; but contentedly sleep for a thousand

more centuries to unveil,


Just when we'd completed the most voluptuously exotic suckling of all times; with our tongues now finding heavenly sweetness; in even the most bitter venom that dared cascade on them,


Just when we'd completed the most brilliantly sensitive poetic verses of all times; with our palms now feeling as if uninhibitedly swaying in rhapsodic utopia; right here on the trajectory of mundanely commercial earth,


Just when we'd completed the most unbelievably philanthropic charities of all times; with our souls now feeling washed and wholesomely eradicated; of a countless derogatory sins of a countless treacherous past lives,


Just when we'd completed the most stupendously intricate nibbling of all times; with our teeth now happily and unabashedly chattering a nineteen to the dozen; for the rest of our lives,


Just when we'd completed the most unflinchingly beautiful marriage rituals of all times; with our nerves now blissfully bonded into one unassailable mass; with the blessings of the Omnipotent Almighty Lord,


Just when we'd completed the most unsurpassable admiration of all times; with our speech now liberating and insuperably uniting with the Omniscient aura of the lord—as we continued to sing an infinite hymns of praise for all his infinite creation,


Just when we'd completed the most poignantly unmatched mating of all times; with our bodies now unstoppably laughing; at even the most ghastliest prospect of going down the grave,


Continents apart. You got up with a jerk from your divinely sleep in the arms of your husband. And I got up with a bolt of lightening even greater- viciously crumpled under the bohemian feet of my wife. And how we wished and wished and wished; that this impossible dream of ours atleast got completed after our deaths; and in our succeeding lives.