Love Versus Terrorism – Poems on Anti Terror , Peace , Love , Brotherhood – Part 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Freedom to laugh; uninhibitedly chortle whilst embracing the fathomless expanse of the mystical valley,


Freedom to talk; candidly voicing my innermost opinions; with absolutely no  restraints from the conventional society,


Freedom to dance; vivaciously gyrate to the enchanting beams of the milky moon; well past the heart of ravishing midnight,


Freedom to socialize; blend with any organism; caste or creed; that I was inevitably drawn too,


Freedom to write; inundating the periphery of unfathomable bits of bonded paper; with the passion circumventing my soul,


Freedom to sing; coherently or incoherently humming an unsurpassable myriad of tunes; even as the world caged itself in boundaries of malice,


Freedom to wink; flirtatiously philander in the aisles of heavenly desire; through

the romantically enigmatic hills,


Freedom to dress; enveloping my impoverished persona; with the cloth rustic embellishments of my choice,


Freedom to eat; feasting upon food from all quarters of the planet; as long as it was robust; as long as it was divine,


Freedom to romanticize; unrelentingly fantasize into the wildest entrenchment’s of exoticism; till times immemorial,


Freedom to meditate; being profusely encompassed in whirlwinds of profuse concentration; even as a battalion of scorpions crawled down my nape,


Freedom to sleep; embracing everlasting slumber in the flamboyantly flaming day; stare like an intransigent owl all throughout the resplendently starry night,


Freedom to desire; handsomely floating through clouds of fabulous silk; bowing down in timid obeisance upon the feet of invincibly alluring angels,


Freedom to gallop; running in rhapsodic exhilaration with the majestic winds; as the crimson fireball of Sun tantalizingly set; behind the charismatic sky,


Freedom to procreate; evolving countless of my own kind; magnanimously contributing my best to continue God’s charming chapter of existence,


Freedom to swim; voraciously peddling through choppy fountains of salty froth; as the undulating waves of the enthralling ocean; catapulted me to a land above ultimate paradise,


Freedom to survive; unequivocally extracting my share of happiness from this parsimoniously lecherous society,


Freedom to love; wholeheartedly accepting all with a benign heart and tumultuous passion to serve God’s humanity,


And most importantly freedom to live O! Almighty Lord; making me the richest entity  alive; relishing each element of your impeccable planet till the last breath

I diffused; till the time I throbbed my last heart beat .