The ratio of HEDONISM: HAPPINESS perhaps on this fathomless Universe; might have pathetically dwindled to a preposterously abominable; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of ESTRANGEMENT: EQUALITY perhaps on this boundless Universe; might have abysmally faltered to an acrimoniously pugnacious; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of POLITICS: PEACE perhaps on this mesmerizing Universe; might have sadistically extinguished to an acridly bellicose; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of SALACIOUSNESS: SAGACIOUSNESS perhaps on this colossal Universe; might have disastrously deteriorated to an insipidly threadbare; INFINITY:
ZERO; today,
The ratio of CHAUVINISM: CHEERFULNESS perhaps on this gigantic Universe; might have pruriently withered to an aridly lackadaisical; INFINITY:ZERO; today,
The ratio of MALICE: MYSTICISM perhaps on this unfathomable Universe; might have obnoxiously stumbled to an dolorously decrepit; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of WAR: WIND perhaps on this fathomless Universe; might have vengefully reduced to a flagrantly atrocious; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of VINDICTIVENESS: VERSATILITY perhaps on this spell binding Universe; might have remorsefully evaporated to a savagely infinitesimal; INFINITY:
ZERO; today,
The ratio of TRAVESTY: TRUTH perhaps on this unending Universe; might have insanely massacred to a indescribably abashing; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of BANE: BLOOM perhaps on this limitless Universe; might have sardonically butchered to a fretfully nonchalant; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of DISASTER: DREAMS perhaps on this unconquerable Universe; might have sordidly slithered to a raunchily beleaguered; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of POVERTY: PROSPERITY perhaps on this unsurpassable Universe; might have gruesomely disappeared to a delinquently despondent; INFINITY:
ZERO; today,
The ratio of UNEMPLOYMENT: UNINHIBITEDNESS perhaps on this gregarious Universe; might have treacherously shattered to a bawdily slavering; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of ABHORRENCE: ABLUTION perhaps on this timeless Universe; might have egregiously crumbled to a uxoriously incarcerated; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of JINX: JUBILATION perhaps on this enchanting Universe; might have disdainfully converted to a disparagingly dastardly; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of BETRAYAL: BREATH perhaps on this boundless Universe; might have painstakingly debilitated to a derogatorily dreary; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
The ratio of LASCIVIOUSNESS: LOVE perhaps on this triumphant Universe; might have tawdrily sunk to a baselessly cannibalistic; INFINITY: ZERO; today,
But the ratio of the CREATURE: CREATOR; was; is and will forever be an Omnipotently majestic ; ZERO: INFINITY; till the time he commanded this earth to be; and even beyond the most ephemerally fugacious speck of space .