Love Versus Terrorism – Poems on Anti Terror , Peace , Love , Brotherhood – Part 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Every maelstrom of unendingly truculent misery was whiplashed upon you by the hedonistic devil; as he salaciously marauded with his fingers soaked in innocent blood,


God was irrefutably a beam of Omnipotent righteousness; who not only blessed you with the insurmountable power to conquer all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,


Giving supreme liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be pathetically decimated to inconspicuous ash;

and victory shall forever be of unassailably majestic truth .


Every corpse of ghoulishly ungainly torture and invidiousness was thrusted upon you by the parasitic devil; as he indiscriminately trampled left; right and center; with brutally lascivious hunger lingering in his eyes,


God was irrefutably a Sun of unconquerably princely hope; who not only blessed you with the unsurpassable power to behead all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,


Giving uninhibited liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be transformed into wisps of insipid nothingness; and victory shall forever be of invincibly glorious truth .


Every spirit of cadaverous desperation and malice was jinxed upon you by the savage devil; as he unsparingly plodded forward to devour all organisms alive,


God was irrefutably the sky of fathomless beauty and ingratiating enchantment; who not only blessed you with the unflinching power to vanquish all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,


Giving unrestricted liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would crumble into disdainful oblivion; and victory shall forever be of altruistically patriotic truth .


Every hell of preposterously raunchy sin and bawdiness was thrashed upon you by the hideous devil; as he dogmatically barked the tunes of abhorrently despicable lies,


God was irrefutably a religion of symbiotically Omnipresent mankind; who not only blessed you with the peerless power to destroy all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,


Giving unparalleled liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would wholesomely reduce into graveyards of parsimonious nothingness; and victory shall forever be of pristinely unblemished truth .


Every whirlwind of indescribably penalizing lechery and sodomizing torment was slapped upon you by the devastating devil; as he insanely burnt till the last bone of his spine in the coffins of unrelenting hatred,


God was irrefutably an Omniscient harbinger of everlasting peace; who not only blessed you with inimitable fortitude to blow away all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,


Giving undaunted liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be charred to inconsequential ash; and victory shall forever be of gloriously immortal truth .


Every speck of acrimoniously cancerous and destructive disease was stabbed upon you by the incarcerating devil; as he intransigently sulked in the gallows

of coldbloodedly rotten death,


God was irrefutably the priceless cosmos of perpetually royal fructification; who not only blessed you with the unchallengeable prowess to massacre all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,


Giving unstoppable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would dissolve into the dustbins of extinction; and victory shall forever be of blazingly impeccable truth .


Every trace of orphaned wailing and hapless loneliness was tainted upon you by the ignominious devil; as he exhaled scorpions of remorseful prejudice even in deep



God was irrefutably a timelessly vivacious rainbow of desire and fearless hope; who not only blessed you with the insuperable ardor to finish all evil; but created infinite more of your kind every unfurling minute of the night and day,


Giving uncontrollable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would lose every element of his existence; and victory shall forever be of immaculately bountiful truth .